Bit Stomach


A command line application that processes performance data to make assertions about performer attributes.

An animated SVG screen cast demonstration is in the screen cast directory.

Input Requirements

The application expects a spek, tabular input data, and annotation functions.

Input Spek

JSON-LD description of project. It includes: - any apriori assertions about performers. - description of performance data column names and uses. - descriptions of performance measures and comparators.

Input Data

Tabular data (csv) with performance data. These usually include: performer, timepoint, and performance value or counts.

Annotation Specification

An R file containing functions which provide situation specific interpretation of the performance values. Specified by collaborator or domain expert. Format and use of annotations is convention instead of configuration.

Snippet of an annotation.r that assesses the positive gap annotation. The setup_cache has been omitted for brevity.

library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
library(rlang, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
library(tidyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

annotate_positive_gap <- function(data, spek){
  rate <- cache$rate_col_sym
  time <- cache$time_col_sym
  id <- cache$id_col_sym

  data %>%
    dplyr::filter(!!time == max(!!time)) %>%
    group_by(!!id) %>%
    summarize(positive_gap = (!!rate > cache$comparator))

Resulting Annotations

Functions to process input data and determine if attribute is present or not. Each function is called with the performance data and a column spec as args. It is expected to return a table of the id and boolean value of the attribute. Returned table must be grouped by id. e.g the result of annotate_capability_barier:

id | positive_gap | ---|--------------------| Alice | TRUE | Bob | FALSE | Carol | FALSE |

The IRI is substituted for the attribute short name.

id | | ---|--------------------| Alice | TRUE |

The performer and attribute is emitted as part of the output JSON-LD.

  "@id": "_:pAlice",
  "": [
      "@type": "",
      "": {
        "@id": "_:m1"
  "@type": ""

Display-Lab/bit-stomach documentation built on Dec. 12, 2021, 1:35 a.m.