
Creating an animated SVG from terminal recording

  1. Copy or symlink to Alice vignette in vert-ramp-affirmations
    • performance.csv
    • annotations.r
    • spek.json
  2. Create pseudoterminal window (gnome terminal)
  3. Rename terminal to "Casting"
  4. Navigate to bitstomach/demo directory
  5. Create a new terminal
  6. Navigate to bitstomach/demo directory
  7. Record terminal activity, Run ./ from new terminal This will focus and type into Casting terminal.
  8. Allow to run to completion. DO NOT CHANGE WINDOW FOCUS.
  9. Convert asciicast to svg: termtosvg render demo.cast demo.svg

Display-Lab/bit-stomach documentation built on Dec. 12, 2021, 1:35 a.m.