
Using Annotation Testing Harness

A set of functions that facilitate setting up the state in which annotations are run. Can be used to debug or develop annotations.

Run annotations for single measure (first measure)

# Example of Working with vignette

anno_env <- source_annotations('/home/grosscol/workspace/vra/vignettes/bob/annotations.r')
spek <- spekex::read_spek('/home/grosscol/workspace/vra/vignettes/bob/spek.json')
col_types <- spekex::cols_for_readr(spek)
raw_data <- read_data('/home/grosscol/workspace/vra/vignettes/bob/performance.csv', col_types)

measure_data <- h_setup_measure_data(spek, raw_data)

dispositions <- h_single_measure_run(spek, anno_env, measure_data)

The table of dispositions can then be examined for the expected annotations.



# # A tibble: 4 x 2
#   `@id` `http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/RO_0000091`
#   <chr> <list>                                     
# 1 Bob   <list [3]>                                 
# 2 Peer1 <list [1]>                                 
# 3 Peer2 <list [2]>                                 
# 4 Peer3 <list [3]>

bobs_dispos <- dispositions %>% filter(`@id` == 'Bob') %>% pull(2)

# List of 1
#  $ :List of 3
#   ..$ :List of 1
#   .. ..$ @type: chr "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/psdo_0000095"
#   ..$ :List of 1
#   .. ..$ @type: chr "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/psdo_0000104"
#   ..$ :List of 1
#   .. ..$ @type: chr "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/psdo_0000099"

Setup environment as would exist inside a call in annotations.

Get the annotation function args

# Example of Working with vignette

anno_env <- source_annotations('/home/grosscol/workspace/vra/vignettes/bob/annotations.r')
spek <- spekex::read_spek('/home/grosscol/workspace/vra/vignettes/bob/spek.json')
col_types <- spekex::cols_for_readr(spek)
raw_data <- read_data('/home/grosscol/workspace/vra/vignettes/bob/performance.csv', col_types)
measure_data <- h_setup_measure_data(spek, raw_data)

anno_call_args <- h_setup_annotation_call_args(spek, anno_env, measure_data)

With those in hand, both the args and the enclosing frame (anno_env) can be attached to the current search() path so the annotation function can be stepped through and examined in the global workspace.


Individual lines from your annotations functions can be run from your console:

eval_achievement <- function(x, comp){
  if(length(x) < 2){ return(FALSE)}

  bools <- x >= comp
  return( sum(bools)==1 & dplyr::last(bools) == TRUE)

annotate_achievement <- function(data, spek){
  time <- cache$time_col_sym
  rate <- cache$rate_col_sym
  id <- cache$id_col_sym

  all_ids_df <- data %>% select(!!id) %>% distinct

  elidgibile_ids <- data %>%
    dplyr::filter(!!time == max(!!time)) %>%
    pull(!!id) %>%

  data %>%
    dplyr::filter(!!id %in% elidgibile_ids) %>%
    arrange(!!time) %>%
    group_by(!!id) %>%
    summarize( achievement = eval_achievement(!!rate,cache$comparator)) %>%

# Run individual lines e.g.
id <- cache$id_col_sym
all_ids_df <- data %>% select(!!id) %>% distinct

Display-Lab/bit-stomach documentation built on Dec. 12, 2021, 1:35 a.m.