FormatAsPValue: 'FormatAsPValue' Formats p relatively nicely, ensuring that...

View source: R/number.R

FormatAsPValueR Documentation

FormatAsPValue Formats p relatively nicely, ensuring that values greater than 0.05 are not rounded to 0.05, and numbers greater than 0 are not rounded to 0, unless is really close to 0.


FormatAsPValue Formats p relatively nicely, ensuring that values greater than 0.05 are not rounded to 0.05, and numbers greater than 0 are not rounded to 0, unless is really close to 0.


FormatAsPValue(p, p.cutoff = 0.05, max.decimals = 12)



The number(s)


Ensures that values are not rounded to this value.


When p is smaller than this value, it is returned as < this value (e.g., "< 0.001").

Displayr/flipFormat documentation built on Jan. 25, 2025, 5:50 p.m.