
Test Plan:


| To Test | Tested In File | | --- | --- | | Combinations | | Title | title_subtitle_footer_combinations.html | | Subtitle | title_subtitle_footer_combinations.html | | Footer | title_subtitle_footer_combinations.html | | Title, Subtitle, | title_subtitle_footer_combinations.html | | Title, Footer | title_subtitle_footer_combinations.html | | Subtitle, Footer | title_subtitle_footer_combinations.html | | Title, Subtitle, Footer | title_subtitle_footer_combinations.html | | Title Tests | | fontsize | title_variations.html | | fontcolor | title_variations.html | | fontFamily | title_variations.html | | topPadding | title_variations.html | | Subtitle Tests | | multiline support | subtitle_variations.html | | fontsize | subtitle_variations.html | | fontcolor | subtitle_variations.html | | fontFamily | subtitle_variations.html | | Footer Tests | | multiline support | footer_variations.html | | fontsize | footer_variations.html | | fontcolor | footer_variations.html | | fontFamily | footer_variations.html |


| To Test | Tested In File | | --- | --- | | Can configure colors | color_variations.html | | Can rely on default colors | color_variations.html | | Gradient works | done in R ? | | Group colors are used to build segment colors if valuesColor not provided | TODO |


| To Test | Tested In File | | --- | --- | | Can vary labelsFont, labelsSize, labelsColor | label_variations.html | | Can vary range of labelsSize | label_variations.html | | Can vary max label width via labelsMaxWidthProportion | label_variations.html | | (prefix) can prefix the label value | label_variations.html | | (suffix) can suffix the label value | label_variations.html | | can display percentage or absolute value via valuesDisplay (NOT WORKING) | | label_variations.html | | minPercentage cuts off label display | 450_companies.html | | minFontSize allows font sizes to shrink | label_variations_fontsizing.html | | vary the minAngle via minAngle | label_variations_minLabel.html | | (valuesDec) can vary the number decimals displayed via valuesDec | label_variations.html | | labels wrap at 25% of width via labelsMaxWidthProportion | label_variations.html | | labels are positioned at radialLineOffset via radialLineOffset | label_variations.html | | labels are positioned at labelRadius % | (not implemented) |

Segments / Donut Plot Building

| To Test | Tested In File | | --- | --- | | Small segments are rolled into a group | not exposed, so not tested | | Can vary the inner radius %, | segment_variations.html | | can make the donut a pie | segment_variations.html | | Can change the segment border color | segment_variations.html | | Start to fade out as values get smaller | 450_companies.html |

Group Support

| To Test | Tested In File | | --- | --- | | test fontsize, fontcolor, fontFamily, minFontSize | group_variations.html | | test default colors and specified colors | group_variations.html (NOT WORKING) | | show labels getting omitted when there is no space | group_variations.html | | Note: cannot test R logic unless ported to JS | TODO |

Data Shape / Size Cases

| To Test | Tested In File | | --- | --- | | single value | one_val.html | | single value single group | one_val.html | | All equal, so min must apply only partially | segment_variations_all_too_small.html | | Too many labels * 5 to catch edge cases | TODO | | Too many labels with initial sort order | TODO | | Too many labels with groups | TODO |

User Interaction

| To Test | Tested In File | | --- | --- | | hovering over segment hilights label | TODO | | hovering over segment with no label shows tooltip | TODO | | highlightSegmentOnMouseover works | TODO | | highlightLaelOnMouseover works | TODO |


| To Test | Tested In File | | --- | --- | | Resizing works | TODO |


| To Test | Tested In File | | --- | --- | | rerendering works | TODO |

Radius Variations

10 - 100 outerRadius %

Displayr/rhtmlDonut documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 2:41 a.m.