
as at 2020-10-04

theSrc/scripts//lib/d3pie/d3pie.js: * linesConfig: this.options.labels.lines, // TODO move this into this.options.labels.segment * labelLinePadding = 2 // TODO pull from config * // TODO NB: I think the unordered and the descending order labeller make different assumptions about * // TODO remove these 5 from this and access exclusive through canvas * // TODO this is temp assignment to this.outerLabelData to make it all keep working ... * // TODO this is pretty inefficient. will do 2n^2 scans

(DEFER) theSrc/scripts//lib/d3pie/segments.js: * TODO collapse these two sections * TODO rename * TODO rename * TODO consolidate with outerLabeller version

(DEFER) performCollisionResolution/CollisionResolver.js: * // TODO need to update this.variant.minProportion. * // TODO soon we can assume this (as this collision resolver will be renamed to "unordered" * // TODO DOES THIS MAKE SENSE STILL * // TODO add stage check for pie.options.labels.stages.initialClusterSpacing * // TODO not sure this 'group collisions into sets' works anymore ... * // XXX NB TODO strictly speaking we can only throw out our quadrant/hemisphere worth of inner labels * innerRadiusLabelCoord.y = previousLabel.topLeftCoord.y + previousLabel.height + 2 // TODO now have a couple hard coded 2's about * innerRadiusLabelCoord.y = previousLabel.topLeftCoord.y - 2 // TODO now have a couple hard coded 2's about

(DEFER) performDescendingOrderCollisionResolution/DescendingOrderCollisionResolver.js: * TODO this is odd because I am alternating between accessing wrappedLabelSet and labelSet directly ... * TODO: this should be a util fn called "is a clockwise of b" .. ? * TODO: this should be a util fn called "is a counter clockwise of b" .. ? * TODO: not sure why but I cannot make this "symmetric" with labelLineAngleExceededTooFarClockWise

theSrc/scripts//lib/d3pie/labellers/segmentLabeller/SegmentLabeller.js: * // TODO: future work. Add inner labels to performDescendingOrderCollisionResolution mutation * // TODO this was ported correctly but it looks like the X's should by Y's ? * // TODO rename to getOuterLabelStats, or include inner stats * svg.selectAll(.${cssPrefix}labels-extra).remove() // TODO dont need * svg.selectAll(.${cssPrefix}labels-group).remove() // TODO shouldn't be done here * svg.selectAll(.${cssPrefix}tooltips).remove() // TODO shouldn't be done here. Also wont work any more (not in svg) * svg.selectAll(.${cssPrefix}gtooltips).remove() // TODO shouldn't be done here. Also wont work any more (not in svg)

theSrc/scripts//PieWrapper.js: * TODO make title/subtitle/footer handle being instantiated with no text : return zero, play nice. Push all these if concerns into module * TODO also currently need to specify all the things * TODO add a show/hide attribute controlled by the debug settings * TODO remove all defaults here that are covered in defaultSettings. May require a "delete all null/undefined step in the middle" * TODO use enums for ascending / descending / unordered * TODO to utils

theSrc/scripts//lib/d3pie/tooltip.js: * const dims = helpers.getDimensions(selector) // TODO should only need to do this once

theSrc/scripts//lib/d3pie/defaultSettings.js: * fontFamily: 'arial', // pieWrapper: settings.labelsFont, R: // TODO change to setting.fontFamily * maxLabelOffset: 100, // TODO use these values and expose as configurable * maxWidthProportion: 0.3, // pieWrapper: settings.labelsMaxWidth. R: labels.max.width. wrap label text if label exceeds X% of canvasWidth // TODO change to settings.labelsMaxWidthProportion * minLabelOffset: 5, // TODO use these values and expose as configurable * preferredMaxFontSize: 8, // pieWrapper: settings.labelsSize, R: labels.font.size // TODO change to labelsMaxFontSize

theSrc/scripts//lib/d3pie/labellers/labelUtils.js:// TODO this is from palmtrees labelUtils module theSrc/scripts//lib/d3pie/labellers/labelUtils.js: // TODO test labels have minX maxX minY maxY - else RBush will ignore them

basisInterpolated.js: let intermediateLineCoord = { type: 'mid' } // TODO do I need type 'mid' ? bezierCurve.js:// TODO: add doc image bezierCurve.js:// TODO: test ?

removeLabelsUntilLabelsFitCanvasVertically.js:// TODO this fn does not guarantee the least are removed. removeLabelsUntilLabelsFitCanvasVertically.js: // TODO make 0.0005 configurable, or use one of the existing iteration values initialNaivePlacement.js: // TODO hard coded ranges

theSrc/scripts//lib/d3pie/labellers/segmentLabeller/innerLabel.js: // NB TODO dont think this works theSrc/scripts//lib/d3pie/labellers/segmentLabeller/innerLabel.js: get segmentAngleMidpoint () { return this._invariant.segmentAngleMidpoint } // TODO try to deprecate this in favour of angle

theSrc/scripts//lib/d3pie/labellers/segmentLabeller/utils/computeLabelLineMaxAngleCoords.js: TODO: implement this optimisation theSrc/scripts//lib/d3pie/labellers/segmentLabeller/utils/adjustLabelToNewY.js: // TODO move to label

theSrc/scripts//lib/d3pie/labellers/segmentLabeller/computeLabelStats.js: fontSizeDistribution, // TODO this is a lodash wrapped object (but it works ?)

Displayr/rhtmlDonut documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 2:41 a.m.