
### NB the 444km^2 for the prediction grid is INCORRECT but
### serves us fine for the purpose of these tests.
#context("Moving block bootstrap")
## load the Gulf of Mexico dolphin data
## fit a detection function and look at the summary
#hn.model <- suppressMessages(ds(distdata,
#                                max(distdata$distance),
#                                adjustment = NULL))
## fit a simple smooth of x and y
#mod1<-dsm(abundance.est~s(x,y), hn.model, segdata, obsdata)
## run the moving block bootstrap for 2 rounds
#mod1.movblk <- dsm.var.movblk(mod1, preddata, n.boot = 2,
#                              block.size = 3, off.set = 444*1000*1000,bar=FALSE)
#test_that("mexdolphins - bootstrap results for s(x,y)",{
#  expect_equal(mod1.movblk$study.area.total,
#              c(36787.71, 19407.48), tol=N.tol)
#  expect_equal(summary(mod1.movblk)$cv[1],
#               0.3574841, tol=cv.tol)
#  expect_equal(summary(mod1.movblk)$bootstrap.cv[1],
#               0.3340702, tol=cv.tol)
## no multiddf
#test_that("mexdolphins - no multiddf",{
#  mod2 <- mod1
#  mod2$ddf <- list(hn.model, hn.model)
#  expect_error(dsm.var.movblk(mod1, preddata, n.boot = 2,
#                              block.size = 3, off.set = 444*1000*1000,bar=FALSE),
#               "Cannot use multiple detection functions with the bootstrap.")
### With no detection function
#test_that("mexdolphins - bootstrap works for strip transects",{
#  dum <- dummy_ddf(obsdata$object, obsdata$size, 8000)
#  mod1_nodf <-dsm(abundance.est~s(x,y), dum, segdata, obsdata)
#  set.seed(1123)
#  mod1.movblk_nodf <- dsm.var.movblk(mod1_nodf, preddata, n.boot=2,
#                              block.size=3, off.set=444*1000*1000, bar=FALSE)
#  expect_equal(summary(mod1.movblk_nodf)$cv[1],
#               0.3340702, tol=cv.tol)
#  # throw an error if you want detection function uncertainty with no
#  # detection function
#  expect_error(dsm.var.movblk(mod1_nodf, preddata, n.boot=2,
#                              block.size=3, off.set=444*1000*1000, bar=FALSE,
#                              ds.uncertainty=TRUE),
#               "Cannot incorporate detection function uncertainty with no detection function!")
DistanceDevelopment/dsm documentation built on Dec. 2, 2022, 6:08 a.m.