Man pages for DivadNojnarg/shinydashboardPlus
Add More 'AdminLTE2' Components to 'shinydashboard'

accordionAdminLTE2 accordion container
appButtonAdminLTE2 special large button
attachmentBlockAdminLTE2 attachment container
blockQuoteAdminLTE2 block quote
boxCreate a box for the main body of a dashboard
boxLabelCreate a label for box
boxProfileAdminLTE2 box profile
boxSidebarCreate a sidebar for a box
carouselAdminLTE2 carousel container
controlbarAdminLTE2 dashboard right sidebar
dashboardBadgeAdminLTE2 badge
dashboardFooterDashboard Footer
dashboardHeaderCreate a header for a dashboard page
dashboardLabelAdminLTE2 label
dashboardPageDashboard Page with a right sidebar
dashboardUserCreate a dashboard user profile.
dashboardUserItemCreate a dashboard user profile item
dropdownBlockCreate a dropdown block to place in a dashboard header
flipboxA flipBox based on the W3C example
loadingStateAdminLTE2 loading state element
messageItemCustom messageItem
navPillsAdminLTE2 nav pill container
notificationItemCustom notificationItem
productListAdminLTE2 product list container
progressBarAdminLTE2 vertical progress bar
renderUserCreate dynamic user output (server side)
shinydashboardPlusGalleryLaunch the shinydashboardPlus Gallery
sidebarCreate a dashboard sidebar.
skinSelectorAdminLTE2 skin selector
socialBoxAdminLTE2 social box
socialButtonAdminLTE2 social button
starBlockAdminLTE2 starBlock
tagAssertAssert that a tag has specified properties
taskItemCustom taskItem
timelineAdminLTE2 timeline block
todoListAdminLTE2 todo list container
userBoxAdminLTE2 user box
userListAdminLTE2 user list container
userMessageAdminLTE2 user message container
userOutputCreate a dynamic user output (client side)
userPostAdminLTE2 user post
validColorsValid colors
validStatusesValid statuses
validStatusesPlusValid statuses extra
DivadNojnarg/shinydashboardPlus documentation built on Aug. 3, 2024, 2:42 a.m.