These functions calculate the taxonomic measures presented in Miranda-Esquivel (2016). The package introduces Jack-knife resampling in evolutionary distinctiveness prioritization analysis, as a way to evaluate the support of the ranking in area prioritization, and the persistence of a given area in a conservation analysis.

For further information, you could read

1. An example with a single topology and distribution to reproduce Figure 1 in Miranda-Esquivel (2016)

First of all, we remove everything from the R environment.


And close the graphic devices, if there is any.

if (dev.cur()!=1){}

Now, we cat get the stable version of the library from CRAN or the latest version from GitHub.




We load the library before proceeding.


and set the working directory to the R Data (make sure you have changed it to your own directory).

# setwd("./myData/")

Now, we can read a tree from figure1.tre, which is written in Newick format or we can use directly the tree from the data file.

To read the tree form a file use:

tree.figure1 <- read.tree ("yourTree.tre")

Or, upload the data set, using the data funtion.


We can plot the tree.

plot(tree, main= "Figure 1. Area Cladogram")

We can also read distributions using the species per area format. The distributions could be a csv file with several features: Each line has a species name and an area, and multiple areas for the same species means a widespread taxon in multiple lines.

The following function creates a data frame for the species distributions.

distrib.figure1 <- Read.Data("figure1.csv")


Also, we could load the example distribution.


We run the initial Index calculation, with a verbose output.


initial.Values <- Calculate.Index(tree=tree, distrib = distribution, verbose=T)


Note that the figures for Is/Ws indices here are different from Figure 1 in Miranda-Esquivel 2016, as here are re-scaled to sum 1, but the proportions are exactly the same.

To obtain the same figures for Is/Ws indices as in Figure 1, we must use this code:

figure1.Values <-  Calculate.Index(tree=tree, distrib = distribution, verbose=F, standard = "tree")



1. Correlations between values

Plot the initial Values for the index that "explains" the most with this line:

correlations <- cor(initial.Values[,2:10],initial.Values[,2:10])

Do not forget using the following code to avoid the "autocorrelation".

diag(correlations) <- 0.0

Now we can determine the 'Best' descriptor:

best.Index <- which.max(apply(correlations,2,sum))


With the following instruction we can get the name of index that displays the highest value, and the row of the column rich in which the object is found.

Keep in mind that richness in not a good predictor for all indices.


To plot aesthetic graphics, load the library ggplot2.


2. The index that "explains the most", without resampling is:

best.Index <-   which.max(apply(correlations,2,sum))


qplot(initial.Values$area,initial.Values[,names(best.Index)], xlab = "Areas", 
      ylab =paste(names(best.Index)," values"), main = paste("Figure 2. Values of the most informative index: ",names(best.Index)," Index"))

In this example, Areas A / F / G / H have the same ranking, as area A harbors species I, while areas F / G / H have the highest absolute richness.

We run the analysis with a single Jackknife replicate with a jtip value of 0.5.

jack.Values <-  Calculate.Index(tree=tree, distrib = distribution,jtip = 0.5)

The absolute difference between these two outputs can be computed with this instruction:

all.equal(initial.Values, jack.Values)

3. But a single replicate is not interesting, therefore we can repeat the process 100 times, using two approaches:

jack.Ranking.100 <- list()
for (i in 1:100){
  ## if you want to get the output number replicate, uncomment this line:
  ##print(paste("replicate #",i), )

  jack.Ranking.100[[i]] <-, distrib = distribution, verbose=FALSE,jtip = 0.5)))
initial.Ranking <-

jack.Ranking.100.comparison <- NULL

for (i in 1:100){

  if(!all(jack.Ranking.100[[i]][,best.Index] == "X0X")){
    jack.Ranking.100.comparison[i] <- all.equal(initial.Ranking[,best.Index], 
  }else jack.Ranking.100.comparison[i] <- 0

Get the number of hits or the extent of the Jackknife replicate to recover the initial ranking:


To estimate the error, we use this code:


These two figures indicate that the best index is not I. As it is also important to estimate the error, we can use the following code to compute it.

jack.Mismatch <- jack.Ranking.100.comparison[jack.Ranking.100.comparison!=TRUE]

count.Jack.Mismatch <- gsub(" string mismatches","",jack.Mismatch)

count.Jack.Mismatch <- as.numeric(count.Jack.Mismatch) 

Plot the distribution of the error, not so bell-shaped.

hist(sort(count.Jack.Mismatch,na.last = NA), main = "Figure 3. Histogram of Error Distribution", xlab= "Jack Mistmatch count")

4. A wrap to theprevious function, and evaluating the number of times we recovered 1/2/3 position in the ranking.

Note that Calculate.Index recovers the index values while Best.Index recovers the ranking comparison.

jack.figure1.jtip05.100replicates <- Best.Index(tree=tree, distrib = distribution, jtip = 0.5, replicates = 50, success = c(1:2))


best.Index = names(jack.figure1.jtip05.100replicates)[c(which(jack.figure1.jtip05.100replicates == max(jack.figure1.jtip05.100replicates)))]

W / Ws explains better than I, as they have a Jackknife value. In this context we can plot Ws.

for (i in 1:length(best.Index)){


print(qplot(initial.Values$area,initial.Values[,best.Index[i]], xlab = "Areas", 
      ylab =paste(best.Index[i]," values"), main = paste("Figure 4. ",best.Index[i]," Index")))

As it is shown in Figure 4., areas F/G/H have a higher value as they have higher richness, but even so, the support is relatively low.

2. An example with two topologies and distributions

For this example, We will work with a tree and a distribution for an real taxon: Puranius (These two files could be found in in the data directory).

tree.Puranius <- read.tree ("puranius.tre")

distrib.Puranius <- Read.Data ("puranius.csv.gz")

Now we will assign a list to the object data.Puranius in order to join the tree and the distribution, which could certainly be made with a function as well. However, I prefer this approach.

data.Puranius  <- list()

data.Puranius[[1]] <- tree.Puranius 

data.Puranius[[2]] <- distrib.Puranius


We will proceed just as we did for the first Taxon, thence we got a tree and a distribution for another Taxon: Janus.

tree.Janus <- read.tree ("Janus.tre")

distrib.Janus <- Read.Data("Janus.csv.gz")

data.Janus  <- list()

data.Janus[[1]] <- tree.Janus

data.Janus[[2]] <- distrib.Janus


The following code creates a list to handle multiple datasets. In this case, the list Multitaxon1 contains two objects.

Multitaxon1 <- list()

Multitaxon1[[1]] <- data.Janus

Multitaxon1[[2]] <- data.Puranius

The function Multi.Index.Calc calculates indices values for a MultiData list. For this case, it computes the Initial ranking for Multitaxon1 with default values. This action is performed just once.


initial.Values.Multi <-  Multi.Index.Calc(Multitaxon1)

Before plotting the initial Values for the Index that explains the most, make sure that the library ggplot2 is loaded.


1. Correlations between values

Plotting as example, the index value that explains the most is:

correlations.Multi <-  cor(initial.Values.Multi[,2:10], initial.Values.Multi[,2:10])

To avoid the highest "autocorrelation", use this line:

diag(correlations.Multi) <- 0.0

In case we want to know the index that explains the most, use this code:

best.Index.Multi <-   which.max(apply(correlations.Multi,2,sum))

qplot(initial.Values.Multi$area,initial.Values.Multi[,names(best.Index.Multi)], xlab = "Areas", ylab =names(best.Index.Multi), main = "Figure 5. Values of the Index that explains the most per area")

2. A delete experiment: Prob jtip jtopol 0.5

jack.Multi <-  Multi.Index.Calc(Multitaxon1,jtip = 0.5,jtopol = 0.5) 

See that the jtopol and jtip present the deleted proportions, and the two data frames are different.


vector <-   which.max(apply(correlations,2,sum))

3. Jack Ranking Multitaxon 100 times

This operation computes the index values and returns a data matrix. Diverse from the first method, it allows to perform this operation 100 times. The number of replicates can be easily modified, by changing the rank in for (i in 1:100).

jack.Ranking.100 <- list()

for (i in 1:100){
  print(paste("replicate #",i))
  jack.Ranking.100[[i]] <-,
  jtip = 0.5,jtopol = 0.5)))

We can get the ranking in the first run. It is only necessary to run this line:


4. Convert the initial values to a ranking

The initial ranking for Multitaxon is assigned as follows:

initial.Ranking <-


5. Compare the whole ranking for the best index, 100 times.

jack.Ranking.100.comparison <- NULL

for (i in 1:100){
  jack.Ranking.100.comparison[i] <- all.equal(initial.Ranking[,vector], 

Compute the number of hits or the Jackknife replicate ability to recover the initial ranking:


As in the first example, get an estimation of the error.


And with this instruction we can identify the type of error.

jack.Mismatch <- jack.Ranking.100.comparison[jack.Ranking.100.comparison!=TRUE]

count.Jack.Mismatch <- gsub(" string mismatches","",jack.Mismatch)

count.Jack.Mismatch <- as.numeric(count.Jack.Mismatch) 

This code computes the distribution of the error, which will rather be bell shaped.

hist(sort(count.Jack.Mismatch), main="Figure 6. Histogram of Error Distribution",  xlab= "Jack Mistmatch count")

Dmirandae/jrich documentation built on May 6, 2019, 2:50 p.m.