knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>")

Genetic analyses often involve the computation of linkage disequilibrium (LD) between different loci. Linkage disequilibrium, as commonly defined, refers to the non-random association between marker alleles and can arise from linkage of loci, selection and population bottlenecks. The purpose of the package LDtools is to aid in the analysis of LD by supplying a small number of functions for its computation. LDtools supports the computation of different measures of LD for phased genotypic data (arbitrary ploidy level) and for unphased genotypic data (only diploid species).

Measures of LD

Consider two bi-allele loci with allele $A$ and $a$ as well as alleles $B$ and $b$. Let $p_A$ and $p_B$ denote the allele frequencies of llele $A$ and $B$, i.e., the probability that a randomly chosen gamete from the population carries both $A$ and $B$. Let $p_{AB}$ denote the joint probability that alleles $A$ and $B$ occur on the same gamete. A common measure of LD is

$$D = p_{AB} - p_A p_B,$$ which is the difference of the joint probability $p_{AB}$ and the product of both marginal probabilities $p_A$ and $p_B$. In case of linkage disequilibrium, we have $D \neq 0$, otherwise $D = 0$ (linkage equilibrium). An undesirable property of this coefficient is that its boundaries depend on the underlying allele frequencies, so that it is difficult to interpret across different pairs of loci. A scaled version is $D' \in [0, 1]$, which is defined as

$$D' = \frac{D}{D_{min}},$$ where \begin{equation} D_{min}= \begin{cases} \max \left {-p_A p_B, -(1 - p_A) (1 - p_B) \right }, & \text{if}\ D < 0 \ \min \left {p_A (1 - p_B), (1 - p_A) p_B \right }, & \text{otherwise.} \end{cases} \end{equation}

Another frequently used measure that is the pearson correlation coefficient between marker allele is

$$ r = \frac{D}{\sqrt{p_A (1 - p_A)} \sqrt{p_B (1 - p_B)}}, $$ which also has the desirable property of $r \in [0, 1].$. More information on these measures can be found on

If genotypic data are phased (i.e., it is known which allele resides on which haplotype), $p_{AB}$ can be easily computed. However, for unphased data, it is not possible to distinguish genotype $AB/ab$ from $Ab/aB$ and $p_{AB}$ cannot be directly computed. It this therefore estimate via a Maximum Likelihood approach, which aimes to maximize the probabiliy of $p_{AB}$ under the assumption that both loci are in Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium.


The package LDtools has two core functions, LD and LD_mult. The function LD can be used to compute LD between two loci, whereas LD_mult computed LD among multiple combinations of loci. The functionality of these functions is best demonstrated by examples.

The data set population includes haplotype data for 100 simulated individuals at 2,200 bi-allelic loci (2000 SNPs and 200 QTL) and genetic positions of all loci.

library('magrittr') # %>% pipe operator
data('population', package = 'LDtools', envir = .GlobalEnv)

For computing LD between two loci, we can use the function LD:

LD(x = X[, 1], y = X[, 2], is_phased = TRUE, any_na = FALSE)

The output of LD is a list with elements n (number of observations used to compute LD), D, Dprime and r as defined above, as well as chi2 (Chi-Square test statistic) and pval (associated p-value) of an independency test between both loci. If any of the loci is monomorphic, the function returns NaN for the statistics. The argument to is_phased is TRUE, as we are dealing now with phased data.

To demonstrate the computation for unphased genotypic data, we simulate two loci with the function .gen_geno, which is only there for testing purposes. We then subsequently translate these from a character coding to numeric coding with transform_geno.

tmp <- .gen_geno(n = 20L, m = 2L) %>% transform_geno()
LD(x = tmp$geno[, 1], y = tmp$geno[, 2], is_phased = FALSE, any_na = TRUE)

The function LD is not efficient for comparisons among a large number of loci. For this purpose, we can use the funcion LD_mult, which takes as main arguments a numeric matrix X with haplotype/genotype data and another matrix matr, which specifies the pairs of loci for which LD should be computed. We can set up the matrix matr by hand or use one of the supplied assistant functions (comb_all, comb_adj, comb_nearest, comb_nearest_k, comb_flank, comb_wind or comb_sliding). For instance, if we want to compute the average LD ($r^2$) for all pairs with a minimum distance of 5 cM and a maximum distance of 6 cM, we can used comb_wind:

pos <- map$pos
matr <- comb_wind(pos = pos, min_dist = 5, max_dist = 6)
dat <- LD_mult(X, matr, pos, is_phased = TRUE)

The arguments min_dist and max_dist can also be vectors, in which case mutliple windows are considered.

A sliding window approach can be used to summarize LD between loci across entire chromosomes. For instance, we can construct a sliding window with a width of 5 cM and advance it by 1 cM at a time as follows:

matr <- comb_sliding(pos, start = 0, width = 5, advance = 1)
dat <- LD_mult(X, matr, pos)
# Summarize data for plotting.
dat <- by(data = dat, INDICES = factor(dat$block),
          FUN = function(x) {
          data.frame(pos = mean(c(x$pos1, x$pos2)),
                     r2 = mean(x$r2, na.rm = TRUE))
          simplify = FALSE) %>% = rbind)

with(dat, plot(pos, r2, type = 'l'))

As a side not, LD_mult internally caches the results of all computation within a single function call. Hence, the overlap of pairs in a sliding window only imposes a minimal increase in computation time.

The package also contains a function LP for computing linkage phase similarity between two population, which is illustrated here:

mid <- nrow(X) %/% 2L
X1 <- X[1L:mid, , drop = FALSE]
X2 <- X[(mid + 1L):nrow(X), , drop = FALSE]
min_dist <- seq(sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), floor(max(pos) / 2), by = 1)
max_dist <- min_dist + 1

dat <- LP(X1, X2, pos, min_dist, max_dist, method = 'correlation')
 plot(x = (min_dist + max_dist) / 2, y = lps, type = 'o', ylim = c(0, 1))


LDtools strives to strike a balance between wealth of output, efficienty of computation and ease of usage. In general, if the goal is to compute $r$ or $r^2$ between all distinct pairs from a set of loci, the base function cor can be used and can be hardly beaten in terms of speed. However, for more complex combinations between loci, it is necessary to either first compute LD for all combinations and the filter out the interesting ones, or to compute LD between individual pairs of loci in custom loops at the R level, both alternatives are often either inefficient or impossible. In such circumstances, LDtools shines as neither computation time nor memory usage should blow up in your face as long a your specify reasonable parameters (which is ultimately your responsibility!). The interface of function LD_mult allows you to specify your own pairs of loci for which LD should be computed via the parameter matr.

DominikMueller64/LDtools documentation built on May 6, 2019, 2:51 p.m.