class.elemental: The 'elemental' parent class

Description Details Slots References See Also


In the CAB package, objects that contain particular functions for a model, such as the delay-of-reinforcement gradient in Catania's Operant Reserve (Catania, 2005; see also DOR) are referred to as elemental objects. The class elemental is the parent class from which all of the child elemental classes inherit from.


elemental objects contain functions but without any associated parameters. To hold parameters, a control object is used, which contains both a function from an elemental object and its associated parameters. A specific model (see class.model) is a collection of control objects and some other objects to control the iteration of the model through its associated conditions.



A character string that gives the name of the elemental object.


A character string containing "elemental".


Catania, A. C. (2005). The operant reserve: A computer simulation in (accelerated) real time. Behavioural Processes, 69(2), 257-278.

See Also

class.DOR For an implementation of the delay-of-reinforcement functions in Catania's Operant Reserve.

class.dep For an implementation of the depletion functions in Catania's Operant Reserve.

class.initial_reserve For an implementation of the initial_reserve functions in Catania's Operant Reserve.

class.emission For an implementation of the emission functions in Catania's Operant Reserve.

Don-Li/CAB_original documentation built on May 6, 2019, 2:53 p.m.