  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

To check the Shiny App gives comparable estimates we ran the model using JAGs (using the R package R2jags) on EN's computer independently of running the model in the Shiny App on MG's computer. We used the data for 2021 as presented in Table 5 and Table 6 in the Bestandsstatus 2021 Report.

Predicted family group estimate for the whole of Norway

From the published report:

dat<-data.frame("Estimate"="Norge", "Bestandsmål"=65 , "Antall familiegrupper av gaupe påvist i 2021"= 67, "Prognose for antall familiegrupper (FG2022) [75 % CI]"= paste0("67 [58-78]"), "Sannsynlighet for at FG2022 < 65" = paste0("37 %"))

dat %>% 
  kableExtra::kable(., col.names=c(
    "Antall familiegrupper av gaupe påvist i 2021", 
    "Prognose for antall familiegrupper (FG2022) [75 % CI]",
    "Sannsynlighet for at FG2022 < 65")) %>% 

From the Shiny App:

dat<-data.frame("Estimate"="Norge", "Bestandsmål"=65 , "Antall familiegrupper av gaupe påvist i 2021"= 67, "Prognose for antall familiegrupper (FG2022) [75 % CI]"= paste0("68 [58-76]"), "Sannsynlighet for at FG2022 < 65" = paste0("38 %"))

dat %>% 
  kableExtra::kable(., col.names=c(
    "Antall familiegrupper av gaupe påvist i 2021", 
    "Prognose for antall familiegrupper (FG2022) [75 % CI]",
    "Sannsynlighet for at FG2022 < 65")) %>% 

Predicted family group estimate for the Regions

From the published report:

dat<-data.frame("Region"= c("2","3","4","5","6","7","8"),
                "Regionalt bestandsmål"= c("12","5","6","10","12", "10","10"),
                "Antall familie grupper av gaupe påvist i 2021"=c("15.5", "6", "3", "8.5", "18", "10", "6"),
                "Prognose for antall familiegrupper i 2022 (FG2022) [75 % CI]"= c("13.9 [10.4–18.0]", "5.8 [3.8–8.2]", "2.0 [0.7–3.9] ",
                                                                                  "9.9 [7.0–13.2]", "16.3 [11.3–21.6", "10.6 [7.4–14.1]",
                                                                                  "8.2 [5.0–11.4]" ),
                "Sannsynlighet for at FG2022 < bestandsmålet" =c("26 %", "32 %", "98 %", "51 %", "17 %", "42 %", "75 %"))

dat %>% 
  kableExtra::kable(., col.names=c(
    "Regionalt bestandsmål",
    "Antall familie grupper av gaupe påvist i 2021", 
    "Prognose for antall familiegrupper i 2022 (FG2022) [75 % CI]",
    "Sannsynlighet for at FG2022 < bestandsmålet")) %>% 

From the Shiny App:

dat<-data.frame("Region"= c("2","3","4","5","6","7","8"),
                "Regionalt bestandsmål"= c("12","5","6","10","12", "10","10"),
                "Antall familie grupper av gaupe påvist i 2021"=c("15.5", "6", "3", "8.5", "18", "10", "6"),
                "Prognose for antall familiegrupper i 2022 (FG2022) [75 % CI]"= c("14 [10.0–17.74]", "6 [3.3–7.94]", "2.0 [0.4–3.1] ",
                                                                                  "10 [6.89–13.47]", "17 [11.07–21.2", "11 [7.4–13.8]",
                                                                                  "8 [4.2–11.2]" ),
                "Sannsynlighet for at FG2022 < bestandsmålet"= c("27 %", "36 %", "98 %", "46 %", "17 %", "39 %", "77 %"))

dat %>% 
  kableExtra::kable(., col.names=c(
    "Regionalt bestandsmål",
    "Antall familie grupper av gaupe påvist i 2021", 
    "Prognose for antall familiegrupper i 2022 (FG2022) [75 % CI]",
    "Sannsynlighet for at FG2022 < bestandsmålet")) %>% 

Slight differences and rounding error

There are some (as would be expected using different computers and stochastic modelling approaches) slight differences between the two model runs.

DrMattG/HarvestGolem documentation built on Nov. 19, 2024, 4:55 p.m.