dbW_fixWeather: Fix weather data

View source: R/swWeatherGenerator.R

dbW_fixWeatherR Documentation

Fix weather data


Missing values are "fixed" with the following approach:

  1. weatherData is formatted for rSOILWAT2, i.e., converted to a Gregorian calendar and required but missing variables added.

  2. Short spells of missing values (consecutive days shorter than nmax_interp) are linearly interpolated from adjacent non-missing values (meta data tag "interpolateLinear (<= X days)")

  3. Short spells of missing precipitation values are

    • Linearly interpolated if precip_lt_nmax is NA

    • Set to a fixed numeric value of precip_lt_nmax (meta data tag "fixedValue")

    • Substituted with values from subData if precip_lt_nmax is Inf (see next point)

  4. Values from a second weather data object subData are used to replace (meta data tag ⁠substituteData"⁠):

    • Missing precipitation values (if precip_lt_nmax is Inf)

    • Values before first day with any non-missing values

    • Variables absent in weatherData and present in subData

  5. Long-term daily means are used to replace any remaining missing values (meta data tag "longTermDailyMean"); for instance, this approach may be applied for

    • Values of variables that are present in weatherData and absent in subData, before first day with any non-missing values

    • Values after end of available values in both weatherData and subData


  subData = NULL,
  new_startYear = NULL,
  new_endYear = NULL,
  nmax_interp = 7L,
  precip_lt_nmax = 0,
  return_weatherDF = FALSE



A list of elements of class swWeatherData or a data frame as returned by dbW_weatherData_to_dataframe().


A weather data object.


An integer value. The first Calendar year of the new time period. If NULL, then the first year of weatherData.


An integer value. The last Calendar year of the new time period. If NULL, then the last year of weatherData.


An integer value. Maximum spell length of missing values for which linear interpolation is applied.


A numeric value. Should short spells of missing precipitation values be linearly interpolated (if NA), substituted with values from subData (if Inf), or replaced by a fixed numeric value (default is 0)?


A logical value. See section "Value".


A list with two named elements

  • "weatherData": An updated copy of the input weatherData where missing values have been replaced. If return_weatherDF is TRUE, then the result is converted to a data frame where columns represent weather variables. If return_weatherDF is FALSE, then the result is a list of elements of class swWeatherData.

  • "meta": a data frame with the same dimensions as "weatherData" with tags indicating which approach was used to replaced missing values in corresponding cells of weatherData (see section Details)

See Also

dbW_imputeWeather(), dbW_substituteWeather(), dbW_generateWeather()


x0 <- x <- dbW_weatherData_to_dataframe(rSOILWAT2::weatherData)

tmp <- x[, "Year"] == 1981
ids_to_interp <- tmp & x[, "DOY"] >= 144 & x[, "DOY"] <= 145
x[ids_to_interp, -(1:2)] <- NA

tmp <- x[, "Year"] == 1980
ids_to_sub <- tmp & x[, "DOY"] >= 153 & x[, "DOY"] <= 244
x[ids_to_sub, -(1:2)] <- NA

xf <- dbW_fixWeather(x, x0, return_weatherDF = TRUE)
  xf[["weatherData"]][!ids_to_interp, ],
  as.data.frame(x0)[!ids_to_interp, ]

DrylandEcology/rSOILWAT2 documentation built on Jan. 12, 2024, 9:06 p.m.