
The official repo for the ddsRClient package - the R programmatic client to the duke-data-service.


Table of contents


To install the R package ddsRClient from GitHub:

if (!require("devtools")) install.packages("devtools")

At any given time, we could be working on a new feature set. If you know the branch where the feature set is being developed, switch ref="master" with the branch to get the latest updates.


The following examples are here to help explore the functionality of the ddsRClient.


If you've never used the ddsRClient, the ddsLogin function is here to help you set up a configuration file that makes authentication to DDS easier. Here are the steps to get started:


To learn more about logging in, check out the documentation. NOTE, if no URL is given ddsRClient assumes the development environment.



At this point, you will see the following screen: mail Press ENTER (return), your browser will open to DDS. Login and then follow these steps to get the requested authentication information: mail mail mail

The power of the login function is in creation of the global variable curlheader and also caching credentials for ddsRequest.


The ddsUpload function can be used to upload files and/or folders. It can also be used to 'version' a file. If a file alread exists in the relative path of a DDS project, ddsUpload will check the MD5 hash of the file. If there is a discrepancy betweent the local filesystem and DDS, the file will be versioned within DDS.

#the first time around all files/folders will be uploaded

#if files are changed within this folder structure, another call will version
#changed files


The ddsDownload function can be used to download a DDS project's files and folders onto a client accessible file system.

Duke-Translational-Bioinformatics/duke-data-service-RClient documentation built on May 6, 2019, 2:55 p.m.