Contributing To this repository

Resources for Getting Started

Reporting Bugs

Bug report contents

Requesting New Features

Contributing (Step-by-step)

  1. Fork the repo on which you're working, clone your forked repo to your local computer, and set up the upstream remote:

    git clone git://
    git remote add upstream
  2. Checkout out a new local branch based on your master and update it to the latest.

    git checkout -b TRUNK-123 master
    git clean -df
    git pull --rebase upstream master

Please keep your code clean. If you find another bug, you want to fix while being in a new branch, please fix it in a separated branch instead.

  1. Push the branch to your fork. Treat it as a backup.

    git push origin TRUNK-123
  2. Code

  3. Adhere to common conventions you see in the existing code

  4. Include tests, and ensure they pass
  5. Search to see if your new functionality has been discussed.

  6. Follow the Coding Conventions.

  7. Commit to your branch

For every commit please write a short (max 72 characters) summary in the first line followed with a blank line and then more detailed descriptions of the change. Use markdown syntax for simple styling. Please include any issue numbers in your summary.

    git commit -m "TRUNK-123: Put change summary here (can be a ticket title)"

NEVER leave the commit message blank! Provide a detailed, clear, and complete description of your commit!

  1. Update your branch to the latest code.
    git pull --rebase upstream master

If you have made many commits, please squash them into atomic units of work.

    git checkout master
    git pull --rebase upstream master
    git checkout TRUNK-123
    git rebase -i master

Make sure all unit tests still pass:

Push changes to your fork:

    git push -f
  1. Issue a Pull Request

In order to make a pull request, * Navigate to the repository you just pushed to (e.g. * Click "Pull Request". * Write your branch name in the branch field (this is filled with "master" by default) * Click "Update Commit Range". * Ensure the changesets you introduced are included in the "Commits" tab. * Ensure that the "Files Changed" incorporate all of your changes. * Fill in some details about your potential patch including a meaningful title. * Click "Send pull request".

Thanks for that -- we'll get to your pull request ASAP. We love pull requests!


If you need to contact me, see my contact details on my profile page.

E-Health/dadR documentation built on July 23, 2019, 9:18 p.m.