#' @title TSMN: Truncated Scale Mixtures of Normal Distributions
#' @description This package includes two functions related to the truncated scale mixtures
#' of normal distribution. One of then is to generate random samples from TSMN
#' distribution, and other is to compute the first four theoretical moments.
#' @references
#' Aldo M. Garay, Victor H. Lachos, Heleno Bolfarine, Celso R. Cabral. "Linear censored regression models with scale mixtures of normal distributions". Statistical Papers, 2017, vol. 58, issue 1, pages 247-278
#' @author
#' Eraldo B. dos Anjos Filho \email{ebdaf1@de.ufpe.br} and Aldo M. Garay \email{agaray@de.ufpe.br}
#' Maintainer: Eraldo B. dos Anjos Filho \email{ebdaf1@de.ufpe.br}
#' @seealso \code{\link{TSMNmoments}},\code{\link{TSMNgenerator}}
#' @examples
#'  ## A test sample to compare theoretical and empirical moments, considering the following parameters:
#'  mu = 2
#'  sigma2 = 4
#'  nu = 5
#'  lower = -3
#'  upper = 10
#'  dist = "T"
#'  n = 10000
#'  ## Theoretical moments with TSMNmoments
#'  theor<-TSMNmoments(mu=mu, sigma2=sigma2, nu=nu, lower=lower, upper=upper, dist=dist)
#'  ## Generate the sample with TSMNgenerator to compute the empirical moments
#'  empir<-TSMNgenerator(n=n, mu=mu, sigma2=sigma2, nu=nu, lower=lower, upper=upper, dist=dist)
#'  ## Compare the results
#'  data.frame("1st" = c("Theoretic" = theor$EY1, "Empirical" = mean(empir)),
#'             "2nd" = c("Theoretic" = theor$EY2, "Empirical" = mean(empir^2)),
#'             "3rd" = c("Theoretic" = theor$EY3, "Empirical" = mean(empir^3)),
#'             "4th" = c("Theoretic" = theor$EY4, "Empirical" = mean(empir^4)))
#' @docType package
#' @name TSMN
EBDAF1/TSMN documentation built on May 23, 2019, 10:32 p.m.