Man pages for EDIorg/EMLassemblyline
A tool kit for building EML metadata workflows

annotate_elementAnnotate an EML element
annotate_emlAnnotate an EML file (.xml) or an emld list object
api_get_provenance_metadataGet provenance metadata
append_rpAssign ResponsibleParty IDs and append recurrences to the rp...
assign_responsible_party_idUpdate the rp object with ID information
attribute_template_to_tableConvert attributes file name to the corresponding data table...
check_uriCheck resolvability of URI
cnvmtConvert empty text to empty EAL text
compile_geographic_coverageCompile geographic coverage from multiple sources
compile_provenanceCompile provenance from multiple sources
delimiter_inferInfer field delimiter from file name
detect_delimeterGet field delimiters of input files
detect_delimeter_2Detect field delimiter 2
detect_osDetect operating system
eml2abstractCreate abstract template from EML
eml2additional_infoCreate additional_info template from EML
eml2annotationsCreate annotations template from EML
eml2categorical_variablesCreate categorical variable template(s) from EML
eml2custom_unitsCreate custom units template from EML
eml2ealCreate EAL inputs from an EML file
eml2eal_lossesCheck info lost in the EML to EAL translation
eml2geographic_coverageCreate geographic coverage template from EML
eml2intellectual_rightsCreate intellectual_rights template from EML
eml2keywordsCreate keywords template from EML
eml2make_emlCreate 'make_eml()' function call from EML
eml2methodsCreate methods template from EML
eml2personnelCreate personnel template from EML
eml2provenanceCreate provenance template from EML
eml2table_attributesCreate table attributes template(s) from EML
eml2taxonomic_coverageCreate taxonomic coverage template from EML
fix_methodsFix methods section of EML file
get_anno_contextGet context for annotations template
get_anno_elementGet element for annotations template
get_anno_idGet id for annotations template
get_anno_subjectGet subject for annotations template
get_classGet class of table attribute
get_misscodeGet missing value code
get_misscodedefGet missing value code definition
get_parallel_nodesGet parallel node values
get_projGet project information
get_referenceGet referenced node
get_respartyGet responsible party
get_unitGet unit
get_xpaths_and_valsGet all xpaths and values in a nodeset
has_parentHas parent node
is_catvarIs attribute a categorical variable?
is_charIs attribute a character?
is_dateIs attribute a Date?
is_empty_nodesetIs empty nodeset?
is_numIs attribute a numeric variable?
is_provIs provenance node?
issuesView issues to function inputs
make_emlMake EML metadata
nodeset2txtConvert nodeset to EAL text type template
read_emlRead EML into an emld list object
rm_predRemove xpath predicates
set_methods_mdCreate methods node from .md file
table_to_attribute_templateConvert data table file name to the corresponding attributes...
template_annotationsAdd semantic meaning
template_argumentsCreate a list of inputs to EMLassemblyline functions...
template_categorical_variablesDescribe categorical variables of a data table
template_core_metadataDescribe core features of a data package
template_directoriesInitialize directories for templates, data objects, and EML
template_geographic_coverageDescribe where the data were collected
template_provenanceDescribe source datasets
template_table_attributesDescribe data tables
template_taxonomic_coverageDescribe biological organisms (taxa)
to_docbookConvert to docbook
url_envMake URL for PASTA+ environment
validate_abstractValidate the abstract template
validate_annotationValidate the annotations template (annotations.txt)
validate_annotation_column_namesCheck column names of the annotations template
validate_annotation_completenessCheck completeness of the annotations template
validate_annotation_uriCheck URIs are resolvable in the annotations template
validate_argumentsValidate arguments of EMLassemblyline functions
validate_categorical_variable_column_namesCheck column names of categorical variables template
validate_categorical_variable_definitionsCheck for categorical variable definitions
validate_categorical_variable_listingCheck variables classified as categorical are listed in the...
validate_categorical_variablesValidate the categorical variables template (catvars_*.txt)
validate_categorical_variable_template_presenceCheck for presence of the categorical variables template
validate_eml_contentCheck EML for supported/unsupported content
validate_file_namesValidate file names
validate_geographic_coord_descValidate geographic coordinate and description pair
validate_geographic_coverageValidate geographic coverage metadata
validate_geographic_coverage_column_namesCheck column names of geographic coverage template
validate_geographic_coverage_completenessCheck completeness of the geographic coverage template
validate_geographic_coverage_coordinate_formatCheck for decimal degree format in the geographic coverage...
validate_geographic_coverage_coordinate_rangeCheck geographic coordinate ranges
validate_geographic_coverage_presenceCheck geographic coverage template presence
validate_intellectual_rightsValidate the intellectual rights template
validate_keywordsValidate the keywords template
validate_maintenance_descriptionValidate maintenance description
validate_methodsValidate the methods template
validate_other_entity_descriptionValidate other entity description
validate_other_entity_nameValidate other entity names
validate_other_entity_urlValidate other entity url
validate_pathValidate path
validate_personnelValidate the personnel template
validate_personnel_column_namesCheck column names of personnel template
validate_personnel_contactCheck for contact in personnel template
validate_personnel_creatorCheck for creator in personnel template
validate_personnel_piCheck for principal investigator in personnel template
validate_personnel_presenceValidate personnel template presence
validate_personnel_projectCheck for project information in the personnel template
validate_personnel_publisherCheck for one publisher in the personnel template
validate_personnel_rolesCheck for defined roles in personnel template
validate_provenanceValidate the provenance template
validate_provenance_column_namesCheck column names of provenance template
validate_provenance_contact_creatorCheck creator and contact in the provenance template
validate_provenance_data_package_idCheck the dataPackageID + systemID pair resolves in the...
validate_provenance_emailCheck for email in external resources in the provenance...
validate_provenance_individual_organization_nameCheck individual and organization name of external resources...
validate_provenance_online_descriptionCheck for description of external resources in the provenance...
validate_provenance_system_idCheck for allowed systemID in provenance template
validate_provenance_titleCheck for title of external resources in the provenance...
validate_provenance_url_presenceCheck a URL is present for external resources in the...
validate_provenance_url_resolvabilityCheck a URL can be resolved for external resources in the...
validate_table_attribute_class_presenceCheck for attribute class presence
validate_table_attribute_class_typeCheck for attribute class type
validate_table_attribute_date_format_presenceCheck presence of date and time format specifier
validate_table_attribute_definitionsCheck for attribute definitions
validate_table_attribute_false_numericCheck numeric attributes for non-numeric values
validate_table_attribute_missing_value_code_definitionCheck each missing value code has a definition and vise versa
validate_table_attribute_missing_value_code_quantityCheck the quantity of missing value codes
validate_table_attribute_missing_value_code_wsCheck missing value code for white space
validate_table_attribute_name_orderCheck all column names are listed in the same order as in the...
validate_table_attribute_name_presenceCheck all column names of a data table are listed
validate_table_attributesValidate the table attributes template (attributes_*.txt)
validate_table_attribute_template_column_namesCheck column names of table attributes template
validate_table_attribute_template_presenceCheck for presence of the table attributes template
validate_table_attribute_unit_definitionCheck for unit definitions
validate_table_attribute_unit_presenceCheck each numeric attribute has a unit
validate_table_descriptionValidate data table description
validate_table_encodingValidate character encoding of tabular files
validate_table_nameValidate data table names
validate_table_quote_characterValidate data table quote characters
validate_table_urlValidate data table url
validate_taxonomic_coverageValidate the taxonomic_coverage template
validate_taxonomic_coverage_authority_systemCheck authority_system values in the taxonomic coverage...
validate_taxonomic_coverage_column_namesCheck column names of taxonomic coverage template
validate_taxonomic_coverage_completenessCheck completeness of the taxonomic coverage template
validate_templatesValidate metadata template content
validate_temporal_coverageValidate temporal coverage
validate_titleValidate dataset title
validate_title_lengthCheck title length
validate_title_presenceCheck for title presence
view_unit_dictionaryBrowse EML's dictionary for defining units of data attributes
vocab_lter_idGet the ID for an LTER controlled vocab term
vocab_lter_scopeGet the scope of an LTER Controlled Vocabulary term
vocab_lter_termSearch for an LTER Controlled Vocabulary term
vocab_resolve_termsResolve terms to a controlled vocabulary
write_templateWrite template to file
xml_valGet XML values
EDIorg/EMLassemblyline documentation built on Nov. 5, 2022, 4:35 a.m.