  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "man/figures/README-",
  out.width = "100%"
options(verbose = FALSE)

Download data from EurOBIS using the LifeWatch/EMODnet-Biology Web Feature Services

Funding Lifecycle: experimental R-CMD-check

The eurobis R package allows you to download data from EurOBIS.

You can query on:

Or create your own selection using the EMODnet Biology toolbox. Just copy the webservice URL and paste in R.


You can install the development version from GitHub with devtools:


Get occurrences

Use the eurobis_occurrences() family of functions to query data.

A basic example is:


# Get one single dataset
eurobis_occurrences_basic(dasid = 8045)

For detailed information run:


Query by traits

Use the functional_group argument:

# Get one single dataset
eurobis_occurrences_basic(dasid = 8045, functional_groups = "angiosperms")

See the full list of queriable traits in the exported dataset species_traits:


Query by location

You can also filter by location, either using the Marine Regions Gazetteer Identifier (MRGID) or passing any polygon as Well Known Text.

eurobis_occurrences_basic(mrgid = 5688, geometry = "POLYGON ((-9.099426 40.33016, -9.099426 40.9788, -8.366089 40.9788, -8.366089 40.33016, -9.099426 40.33016))")

To help drawing the area of your interest, you can use eurobis_map_draw(). You can draw here a polygon interactively:

selected_area <- eurobis_map_draw()
#> POLYGON ((-9.099426 40.33016, -9.099426 40.9788, -8.366089 40.9788, -8.366089 40.33016, -9.099426 40.33016))

eurobis_occurrences_full(geometry = selected_area)

To help choosing the MRGID from Marine Regions, see the list of queriable regions and their MRGIDs with the family of functions eurobis_map_regions_*: these will open a leaflet map including the layers, read via Web Map Services (WMS).

# MEOW Ecoregions

# Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ)

# International Hydrographic Office areas (IHO)

# Marine Regions intersection of EEZ and IHO. Named as Marine Region in eurobis_list_regions()

# EMODnet-Biology Reporting Areas

See the manual with:


Note that passing both an MRGID and a geometry does not restrict to the selected area within the MRGID record, but adds both data fetched from the selected data and the MRGID record.

Why an EurOBIS R package? Didn't exist an OBIS package already?

Yes, you could also use the OBIS R package robis. The main advantage of the eurobis R package is the functionality to query on species traits.


If data are extracted from the EMODnet Biology for secondary analysis resulting in a publication, the appropriate source should be cited.

The downloaded data should be cited as: EMODnet Biology (yyyy) Fulll Occurrence Data and parameters downloaded from the EMODnet Biology Project ( Available online at, consulted on yyyy-mm-dd.

Regarding the citation of the individual datasets, the following guidelines should be taken into account:

EMODnet/REMODBio documentation built on Feb. 24, 2024, 4:52 a.m.