This R Markdown document is made interactive using Shiny. To learn more, see Interactive Documents.


#  if(!require("devtools"))
#  {
#    install.packages(devtools)
#    require("devtools")
#  }
#  install_github("ecor/geotopbricks")
#  require("geotopbricks")
#  if(!require("devtools"))
#  {
#    install.packages(devtools)
#    require("devtools")
#  }
#  install_github("ecor/geotopOptim2")
#  require("geotopOptim2")




#wpath <-  '/home/ecor/activity/2016/eurac2016/idra/B2_BeG_017_DVM_001_test_1' 
#wpath <-  '/home/ecor/Dropbox/activity/2016/geotop_simulation/Latsch1_Calib_001'

#wpath <- "C:/Users/GBertoldi/Documents/Simulations_local/geotopOptim2_tests/DOMEF_1500_Optim_001_PSO"
wpath <- "/home/ecor/temp/geotopOptim_tests/DOMEF_1500_Optim_005/xxfb21f1a553d/DOMEF_1500_Optim_005"

alldata <- geotopLookUpTable(wpath = wpath)

obsnames <- attr(alldata,"observation_var")
simnames <- attr(alldata,"simulation_var")

fun_names <- c("min","mean","max","sum")

Interactive Inputs

#  ##textInput(inputId = "simFolder", label = "Simulation folder", value = ""),

  selectInput(inputId = "variable", label = "discover variable", choices = obsnames,selected=obsnames[8]),

#  #####selectInput(inputId = "add_variable", label = "additional variable (sim)", choices = simnames, selected = simnames[2]),

  radioButtons(inputId = "aggregation", label = "aggregation", choices = c("hourly","daily","monthly"), selected = "hourly", inline = FALSE),

  selectInput(inputId = "aggregation_function_var", label = "Aggregation Function", choices = fun_names, selected = "mean"),

#  selectInput(inputId = "aggregation_function_add_var", label = "Aggregation Function (add_var)", choices = fun_names, selected = "sum")

  textInput(inputId="wpath", label = h3("GEOtop working directory:"),value = wpath)

#  radioButtons(inputId = "flux_amount", label = "flux or amount", choices = c("flux","amount"), selected = "flux", inline = FALSE)

#  # radioButtons(inputId = "cum", label = "cumulated or time series", choices = c("time series","cumulated over time"), selected = "time series", inline = FALSE)


Time Series Plot

Dynamic plots of observed vs simulated time series.


    wpath <-  input$wpath

    alldata <- geotopLookUpTable(wpath = wpath)

    obsnames <- attr(alldata,"observation_var")
    simnames <- attr(alldata,"simulation_var")

    ##fun_names <- c("min","mean","max","sum")
  ## TO GO ON .....

    iiv <- input$variable

    aggregation <- input$aggregation
    aggr_fun_1 <- input$aggregation_function_var
    aggr_fun_2 <-  input$aggregation_function_add_var

    data <- aggregateVar(x=alldata,InputVar=iiv,aggregate=aggregation,aggregate_fun=c(aggr_fun_1)) 

    unit <- attr(alldata,"var_unit")[iiv]
    ###add_unit <- attr(alldata,"var_unit")[aiiv]

   dygraph(data, ylab=paste(iiv,"[",unit,"]",sep="")) %>%
        dyRangeSelector() %>%
#       %>%
#       dySeries(name = "additional.var", axis = "y2", stepPlot = TRUE, fillGraph = TRUE, label = paste(aiiv,"[",add_unit,"]",sep="")) %>%
#       dyAxis(name="y2",label=paste("[",add_unit,"]",sep=""))

#  }


Summary Table on Goodness of Fit (GOF)

Measures for GOF are given for seasons and for the whole data series. Calculations were performed with the hydroGOF R-Package. Type ?gof in the R console for information on specific GOFs.


 wpath <- input$wpath

 alldata <- geotopLookUpTable(wpath = wpath)

#           obsnames <- attr(alldata,"observation_var")
#           simnames <- attr(alldata,"simulation_var")
# if (input$aggregation=="hour" | input$aggregation=="day")
#  {
#    observation <- obs[[input$aggregation]][,input$variable]
#  } else {
#   observation <- obs[["day"]][,input$variable]
#  }
#  simulation <- varout[[input$variable]]
#   if (input$aggregation=="day" & input$flux_amount=="flux") simulation <- aggregate(simulation, as.Date(time(simulation)), mean, na.rm=T) 
#   if (input$aggregation=="day" & input$flux_amount=="amount") simulation <- aggregate(simulation, as.Date(time(simulation)), sum, na.rm=F)
#   if (input$aggregation=="month" & input$flux_amount=="flux") 
#  {
#    simulation <- aggregate(simulation, as.yearmon(time(simulation)), mean, na.rm=T)
#    observation <- aggregate(observation, as.yearmon(time(observation)), mean, na.rm=T)
#  } 
#  if (input$aggregation=="month" & input$flux_amount=="amount") 
#  {
#    simulation <- aggregate(simulation, as.yearmon(time(simulation)), sum, na.rm=F)
#    observation <- aggregate(observation, as.yearmon(time(observation)), sum, na.rm=F)
#  } 

#  time(observation) <- as.POSIXct(time(observation))
#  time(simulation) <- as.POSIXct(time(simulation))

#  data <- merge(observation, simulation)

 iiv <- input$variable

    nnn <- c("simulation","observation")

    aggregation <- input$aggregation
    aggr_fun_1 <- input$aggregation_function_var
    ####aggr_fun_2 <-  input$aggregation_function_add_var

#    ######data <- extractGeotopVar(x=alldata,InputVar=iiv,Add_InputVar=aiiv,aggregate=aggregation,aggregate_fun=c(aggr_fun_1,aggr_fun_2)) 
    data <- aggregateVar(x=alldata,InputVar=iiv,aggregate=aggregation,aggregate_fun=c(aggr_fun_1))
    data <- data[,nnn]

  gofs <- gofg(sim = data$simulation, obs=data$observation, na.rm = TRUE)
  gofs <-
  names(gofs) <- "YEAR"
  gofs$GOF <- dimnames(gofs)[[1]]

  mon <- as.numeric(as.character(index(data),format="%m")) ####as.numeric(format(time(data), "%m"))

  datadjf <-  data[mon==12 | mon==1 | mon==2,]
  gofs$DJF <-  c(gofg(sim = datadjf$simulation, obs=datadjf$observation, na.rm = TRUE))
  datamam <-  data[mon==3 | mon==4 | mon==5,]
  gofs$MAM <-  c(gofg(sim = datamam$simulation, obs=datamam$observation, na.rm = TRUE))
  datajja <-  data[mon==6 | mon==7 | mon==8,]
  gofs$JJA <-  c(gofg(sim = datajja$simulation, obs=datajja$observation, na.rm = TRUE))
  datason <-  data[mon==9 | mon==10 | mon==11,]
  gofs$SON <-  c(gofg(sim = datason$simulation, obs=datason$observation, na.rm = TRUE))

  gofs <- gofs[,c(2,3,4,5,6,1)]

}, options = list(pageLength=5, lengthMenu=c(5, 10, 15, 20)))



    wpath <-  '/home/ecor/Dropbox/activity/2016/geotop_simulation/Latsch1_Calib_001' 

    alldata <- geotopLookUpTable(wpath = wpath)     

    iiv <- input$variable
    aiiv <- input$add_variable
    nnn <- c("simulation","observation")

    aggregation <- input$aggregation
    aggr_fun_1 <- input$aggregation_function_var

    data <- aggregateVar(x=alldata,InputVar=iiv,aggregate=aggregation,aggregate_fun=c(aggr_fun_1))[,nnn]
    data <- data[,nnn]

    if (all($observation))==TRUE) {

                data$observation <- -9999
    if (all($simulation))==TRUE) {

                data$simulation <- -9999

    ##data <- merge(observation, simulation)
    ##names(data) <- c("observation", "simulation")

    data <-

    ggplot(data = data, aes(x=observation, y=simulation)) +
      geom_point() +
      geom_abline(intercept=0, slope=1, col=rgb(1,0,0,.5), lwd=2)


EURAC-Ecohydro/geotopOptim2 documentation built on March 3, 2021, 4:56 a.m.