Man pages for EarthSystemDiagnostics/baconr
Hierarchical Accumulation Modelling with Stan and R

add_datapointsAdd Age Control Points to Plot
add_subdivisionsAdd subdivision tickmarks
calibrate_14C_ageCalibrate Radiocarbon Dates with Bchron::BchronCalibrate
compare_14C_PDFCompare Empirical and t-distribution Approximated Calendar...
filter_hamstr_acc_ratesSmooth accumulation rates
gamma_sigma_shapeConvert between parametrisations of the gamma distribution
GetBrksHalfOffsetGet Overlapping Breaks Structure
GetIndicesGet Indices Structure For Hamstr Model from a Set of Breaks
get_inits_hamstrCreate Random Initial Values for the hamstr Stan Model
get_K_factorGet Default K_factor
get_par_idxExtract Stan Parameter Index
get_posterior_acc_ratesGet Posterior Accumulation Rates
get_posterior_agesGet Posterior Age Models
get_smooth_iGet Indices For Smoothing Accumulation Rates When Estimating...
get_stan_sampler_argsDefault Parameters for Sampling Hamstr Models with Stan
GetWtsGet Weights for Parent Sections
hamstrFit a hamstr Age-Depth Model
hamstr_controlReturn a List of hamstr Control Arguments
hamstr-packageThe 'hamstr' package.
hierarchical_depthsCalculated depth of section boundary at all hierarchical...
interpolate_age_modelsInterpolate Posterior Age Model At New Depths
make_stan_dat_hamstrMake the data object required by the Stan sampler
plot_acc_mean_prior_posteriorPlot Mean Accumulation Rate Prior and Posterior Distributions
plot_age_modelsPlot Age Models as Spaghetti Plot
plot_downcore_summaryPlot Downcore Summary
plot_gamma_prior_posteriorPlot A Gamma Prior and Posterior
plot_hamstrPlot an hamstr_fit object
plot_hamstr_acc_ratesPlot accumulation rates
plot.hamstr_fitPlot hamstr Objects
plot_hierarchical_acc_ratePlot the hierarchical accumulation rate parameters
plot_infl_prior_posteriorPlot the Prior and Posterior Distributions of the Inflation...
plot_memory_prior_posteriorPlot Memory Prior and Posterior
plot_prior_posterior_histPlot a Prior and Posterior
plot_summary_age_modelsPlot Summary of Posterior Age Models
predict.hamstr_fitInterpolate Age Models at Arbitrary Depths
summarise_age_modelsSummarise Posterior Age Models
SummariseEmpiricalPDFSummarise an Empirical Probability Distribution Function.
summarise_hamstr_acc_ratesSummarise accumulation rates
summarise_hamstr_parametersSummarise Hamstr Parameters
summarise_new_agesSummarise Interpolated Posterior Age Models
summarise_qSummarise to Quantiles and Moments
summary.hamstr_fitSummarise hamstr Models
summary.hamstr_interpolated_agesSummarise Age Models That Have Been Interpolated
EarthSystemDiagnostics/baconr documentation built on June 12, 2024, 11:26 a.m.