date: '22 November, 2019' output: html_document: keep_md: yes


The climproxyrecords package supplies published proxy climate record data and compilations. So far it includes data from:

For the two compilations the package contains three dataframes: proxies, dating, and metadata (e.g. marcott.proxies). These contain the proxy data, associated carbon dating information, and metadata respectively.

For the individual proxies there are similar dataframes.











climproxyrecords can be installed from github like this:

if (!require("devtools")) {


Citing the data

For the compilations, please cite both the compilaton papers (Marcott et al 2013, Shakun et al 2012), and the original sources from which the data were extracted. A full list of sources can be found in the metadata dataframes, e.g. marcott.metadata.

For the other records please cite the original papers. See the help files e.g. help(sicre.2011.MD99_2275.temperature) for the correct citations.

Using the climproxyrecords data package

After loading the package with library(climproxyrecords), all included data has been "lazy loaded". Data are not in memory yet, but are available when the name of an object is passed to the R interpreter.

## Warning: package 'dplyr' was built under R version 3.6.1
## # A tibble: 13,134 x 13
##    Number ID    Core.location Proxy.type Proxy.value Published.tempe~
##     <int> <chr> <chr>         <fct>            <dbl>            <dbl>
##  1      1 GeoB~ GeoB5844-2    Uk'37            0.950             26.8
##  2      1 GeoB~ GeoB5844-2    Uk'37            0.950             26.8
##  3      1 GeoB~ GeoB5844-2    Uk'37            0.954             26.9
##  4      1 GeoB~ GeoB5844-2    Uk'37            0.937             26.4
##  5      1 GeoB~ GeoB5844-2    Uk'37            0.94              26.5
##  6      1 GeoB~ GeoB5844-2    Uk'37            0.957             27  
##  7      1 GeoB~ GeoB5844-2    Uk'37            0.950             26.8
##  8      1 GeoB~ GeoB5844-2    Uk'37            0.937             26.4
##  9      1 GeoB~ GeoB5844-2    Uk'37            0.937             26.4
## 10      1 GeoB~ GeoB5844-2    Uk'37            0.950             26.8
## # ... with 13,124 more rows, and 7 more variables: Proxy.depth.type <chr>,
## #   Proxy.depth <dbl>, Published.age <dbl>, Age.model.error <dbl>,
## #   depth.flag <lgl>, Age.type <chr>, Age <dbl>


For each proxy compilation, all records are stored in a single dataframe. To access subsets of proxies use either base R's subsetting

subset(marcott.proxies, Proxy.type == "Uk'37")
## # A tibble: 3,222 x 13
##    Number ID    Core.location Proxy.type Proxy.value Published.tempe~
##     <int> <chr> <chr>         <fct>            <dbl>            <dbl>
##  1      1 GeoB~ GeoB5844-2    Uk'37            0.950             26.8
##  2      1 GeoB~ GeoB5844-2    Uk'37            0.950             26.8
##  3      1 GeoB~ GeoB5844-2    Uk'37            0.954             26.9
##  4      1 GeoB~ GeoB5844-2    Uk'37            0.937             26.4
##  5      1 GeoB~ GeoB5844-2    Uk'37            0.94              26.5
##  6      1 GeoB~ GeoB5844-2    Uk'37            0.957             27  
##  7      1 GeoB~ GeoB5844-2    Uk'37            0.950             26.8
##  8      1 GeoB~ GeoB5844-2    Uk'37            0.937             26.4
##  9      1 GeoB~ GeoB5844-2    Uk'37            0.937             26.4
## 10      1 GeoB~ GeoB5844-2    Uk'37            0.950             26.8
## # ... with 3,212 more rows, and 7 more variables: Proxy.depth.type <chr>,
## #   Proxy.depth <dbl>, Published.age <dbl>, Age.model.error <dbl>,
## #   depth.flag <lgl>, Age.type <chr>, Age <dbl>

or dplyr::filter

marcott.proxies %>% 
  filter(Proxy.type == "Uk'37")
## # A tibble: 3,222 x 13
##    Number ID    Core.location Proxy.type Proxy.value Published.tempe~
##     <int> <chr> <chr>         <fct>            <dbl>            <dbl>
##  1      1 GeoB~ GeoB5844-2    Uk'37            0.950             26.8
##  2      1 GeoB~ GeoB5844-2    Uk'37            0.950             26.8
##  3      1 GeoB~ GeoB5844-2    Uk'37            0.954             26.9
##  4      1 GeoB~ GeoB5844-2    Uk'37            0.937             26.4
##  5      1 GeoB~ GeoB5844-2    Uk'37            0.94              26.5
##  6      1 GeoB~ GeoB5844-2    Uk'37            0.957             27  
##  7      1 GeoB~ GeoB5844-2    Uk'37            0.950             26.8
##  8      1 GeoB~ GeoB5844-2    Uk'37            0.937             26.4
##  9      1 GeoB~ GeoB5844-2    Uk'37            0.937             26.4
## 10      1 GeoB~ GeoB5844-2    Uk'37            0.950             26.8
## # ... with 3,212 more rows, and 7 more variables: Proxy.depth.type <chr>,
## #   Proxy.depth <dbl>, Published.age <dbl>, Age.model.error <dbl>,
## #   depth.flag <lgl>, Age.type <chr>, Age <dbl>

Split to a list

or make a list of dataframes, each a separate proxy record

lst <- plyr::dlply(marcott.proxies, "ID")

lapply(lst[1:2], head)
## $`17940 Uk'37`
##   Number          ID Core.location Proxy.type Proxy.value
## 1     49 17940 Uk'37         17940      Uk'37       0.929
## 2     49 17940 Uk'37         17940      Uk'37       0.932
## 3     49 17940 Uk'37         17940      Uk'37       0.925
## 4     49 17940 Uk'37         17940      Uk'37       0.926
## 5     49 17940 Uk'37         17940      Uk'37       0.933
## 6     49 17940 Uk'37         17940      Uk'37       0.927
##   Published.temperature Proxy.depth.type Proxy.depth Published.age
## 1                26.821 Proxy depth (cm)           0          13.5
## 2                26.922 Proxy depth (cm)           9         174.0
## 3                26.711 Proxy depth (cm)          17         326.0
## 4                26.725 Proxy depth (cm)          21         396.0
## 5                26.950 Proxy depth (cm)          27         492.0
## 6                26.752 Proxy depth (cm)          37         635.0
##   Age.model.error depth.flag             Age.type       Age
## 1              NA       TRUE Marine09 age (yr BP)   0.00000
## 2        90.18293      FALSE Marine09 age (yr BP)  74.96323
## 3        96.58324      FALSE Marine09 age (yr BP) 139.87508
## 4        88.40831      FALSE Marine09 age (yr BP) 171.82024
## 5       108.50835      FALSE Marine09 age (yr BP) 242.60834
## 6       116.74236      FALSE Marine09 age (yr BP) 370.76723
## $`18287-3 Uk'37`
##   Number            ID Core.location Proxy.type Proxy.value
## 1     28 18287-3 Uk'37       18287-3      Uk'37      0.9631
## 2     28 18287-3 Uk'37       18287-3      Uk'37      0.9662
## 3     28 18287-3 Uk'37       18287-3      Uk'37      0.9662
## 4     28 18287-3 Uk'37       18287-3      Uk'37      0.9662
## 5     28 18287-3 Uk'37       18287-3      Uk'37      0.9631
## 6     28 18287-3 Uk'37       18287-3      Uk'37      0.9631
##   Published.temperature Proxy.depth.type Proxy.depth Published.age
## 1                  28.1 Proxy depth (cm)           5          3389
## 2                  28.2 Proxy depth (cm)          15          3751
## 3                  28.2 Proxy depth (cm)          25          4114
## 4                  28.2 Proxy depth (cm)          35          4476
## 5                  28.1 Proxy depth (cm)          45          4838
## 6                  28.1 Proxy depth (cm)          55          5200
##   Age.model.error depth.flag             Age.type      Age
## 1        377.0880      FALSE Marine09 age (yr BP) 1776.787
## 2        184.3612      FALSE Marine09 age (yr BP) 3746.217
## 3        285.4207      FALSE Marine09 age (yr BP) 4105.665
## 4        346.4947      FALSE Marine09 age (yr BP) 4466.036
## 5        387.1881      FALSE Marine09 age (yr BP) 4826.850
## 6        413.6232      FALSE Marine09 age (yr BP) 5187.967


Core.location does not identify a unique proxy record (for the Marcott data at least) because some cores have multiple proxies measured on them.

name.type <- marcott.proxies %>% 
  select(Core.location, Proxy.type) %>% 

name.type %>% 
  group_by(Core.location) %>% 
  mutate(n = n_distinct(Proxy.type)) %>% 
  filter(n > 1)
## # A tibble: 9 x 3
## # Groups:   Core.location [3]
##   Core.location Proxy.type                    n
##   <chr>         <fct>                     <int>
## 1 MD79-257      Foram T.F. (warm season)      3
## 2 GIK23258-2    Foram T.F. (warm season)      3
## 3 MD79-257      Foram T.F. (cold season)      3
## 4 GIK23258-2    Foram T.F. (cold season)      3
## 5 TN057-17      Diatom T.F. (warm season)     3
## 6 TN057-17      Diatom T.F. (cold season)     3
## 7 MD79-257      Foram T.F. (mean; deg C)      3
## 8 GIK23258-2    Foram T.F. (mean; deg C)      3
## 9 TN057-17      Diatom T.F. (mean; deg C)     3

At present, things like the names of proxy types have been taken "as is" from the supplementary data to the publications. There may be multiple spellings of the same type.

Get metadata

To get additional metadata for the proxies, look at corresponding metadata dataframe and reference/join by ID

dplyr::left_join(marcott.proxies, marcott.metadata)
## Joining, by = c("Number", "Core.location", "Proxy.type")
## # A tibble: 13,134 x 22
##    Number ID    Core.location Proxy.type Proxy.value Published.tempe~
##     <int> <chr> <chr>         <fct>            <dbl>            <dbl>
##  1      1 GeoB~ GeoB5844-2    Uk'37            0.950             26.8
##  2      1 GeoB~ GeoB5844-2    Uk'37            0.950             26.8
##  3      1 GeoB~ GeoB5844-2    Uk'37            0.954             26.9
##  4      1 GeoB~ GeoB5844-2    Uk'37            0.937             26.4
##  5      1 GeoB~ GeoB5844-2    Uk'37            0.94              26.5
##  6      1 GeoB~ GeoB5844-2    Uk'37            0.957             27  
##  7      1 GeoB~ GeoB5844-2    Uk'37            0.950             26.8
##  8      1 GeoB~ GeoB5844-2    Uk'37            0.937             26.4
##  9      1 GeoB~ GeoB5844-2    Uk'37            0.937             26.4
## 10      1 GeoB~ GeoB5844-2    Uk'37            0.950             26.8
## # ... with 13,124 more rows, and 16 more variables:
## #   Proxy.depth.type <chr>, Proxy.depth <dbl>, Published.age <dbl>,
## #   Age.model.error <dbl>, depth.flag <lgl>, Age.type <chr>, Age <dbl>,
## #   Proxy.type.detail <chr>, Temperature.cali.ref <chr>, Lat <dbl>,
## #   Lon <dbl>, Elevation <int>, Resolution <int>, Pub.seas.interp <chr>,
## #   Reference <chr>, Seasonality.comment <chr>
marcott.metadata %>% 
  filter(Core.location == "GeoB5844-2")
## # A tibble: 1 x 12
##   Number Core.location Proxy.type Proxy.type.deta~   Lat
##    <int> <chr>         <fct>      <chr>            <chr>            <dbl>
## 1      1 GeoB5844-2    Uk'37      UK’37            Müller et al., ~  27.7
## # ... with 6 more variables: Lon <dbl>, Elevation <int>, Resolution <int>,
## #   Pub.seas.interp <chr>, Reference <chr>, Seasonality.comment <chr>

EarthSystemDiagnostics/climproxyrecords documentation built on Feb. 12, 2022, 8:48 p.m.