Simulate past climate based on the insolation, as described in Laepple, Thomas, and Gerrit Lohmann. 2009. “Seasonal Cycle as Template for Climate Variability on Astronomical Timescales.” Paleoceanography 24 (4): PA4201. doi:10.1029/2008PA001674.

library(orbitalforcing) # functions from orbitalforcing are re-exported by ecustools

Set latitude and longitude of the simulated record

lat1 <- 40  #latitude of the simulated core
lon1 <- 200  #longitude of the simulated core

Simulate stochastic climate variability

climate.stochastic <- SimPowerlaw(1, 10000)

Simulate the seasonality from orbital forcing

#First extract the modern daily temperature from NCEP reanalysis
climate.modern <- pfields::SelSpace3D(sat.ncep.clim, lat1 = lat1, lon1 = lon1) - 273.15  

#estimate the modern relationship between insolation and T
transfer <- EstimateTransferfunctionInsolation(climate = climate.modern,
                                               latitude = lat1, bPlot = TRUE,
                                               b3plot = TRUE)  
#Sample the climate in 25yr bins
timevector <- seq(from = 1000, to = 9000, by = 25)  
climate.stochastic.25 <- SubsampleTimeseriesBlock(climate.stochastic, timevector)

#Change to a timex12 matrix
climate.stochastic.25.monthly <- rep(climate.stochastic.25, 12)  
dim(climate.stochastic.25.monthly) <- c(length(timevector), 12)
# and add the simulated orbital variability; as this is slow, it can be added to
# the 25yr binned data without any loss
for (i in 1:length(timevector)) {
  climate.stochastic.25.monthly[i, ] <- climate.stochastic.25.monthly[i, ] + 
      SimulateYearFromInsolation(kyear = timevector[i]/1000,
                                 transfer = transfer, latitude = lat1,
                                 bPolynomial = TRUE)
plot(timevector, climate.stochastic.25.monthly[, 1], type = "n",
     ylim = range(climate.stochastic.25.monthly), 
     xlab = "yr BP", ylab = "Temperature (degC)")

for (i in (1:4) * 3) lines(timevector, climate.stochastic.25.monthly[, i], col = i)

lines(timevector, rowMeans(climate.stochastic.25.monthly), lwd = 3, col = "red")
legend("topleft", col = c(1:4) * 3, lwd = 2, paste("month of the year",
                                                   (1:4) * 3), bty = "n")
legend("topright", col = "red", lwd = 3, "annual mean", bty = "n")

EarthSystemDiagnostics/orbitalforcing documentation built on March 24, 2022, 11:25 a.m.