Man pages for EarthSystemDiagnostics/sedproxy
Simulation of Sediment Archived Climate Proxy Records

BioturbationWeightsBioturbation weights
ClimToProxyClimSimulate sediment archived proxy records from an input...
example.dataData for running the examples in package 'sedproxy'
ForamGrowthfTForaminifer Growth Rate Function from Lombard et al. (2009)
gisp2.anngisp2 ice core data at annual resolution
MakePFMDataframeConvert "everything" part of output from ClimToProxyClim to...
N41.G.ruber.seasonalitySeasonality of Globigerinoides ruber at core MD97-2141
N41.proxyMg/Ca proxy based temperature reconstruction for core...
N41.proxy.detailsMetadata for datset 'N41.proxy'
N41.t21k.climateClimate (surface temperature) at core MD97-2141 from...
param.tabsedproxy parameters
PlotPFMsPlot forward modelled sedimentary proxies
ProxyConversionConvert between Temperature in Degrees C and Proxy Units
scussolini.tab1Scussolini et al. (2013) Table 1
sedproxysedproxy: Simulation of Sediment Archived Climate Proxy...
stage.labelsLabels for proxy stages
stages.keyDescription of proxy stages
EarthSystemDiagnostics/sedproxy documentation built on Feb. 27, 2023, 10:11 a.m.