traitdataform-package: Package 'traitdataform': harmonizing ecological trait data in...

traitdataform-packageR Documentation

Package 'traitdataform': harmonizing ecological trait data in R


This package assists in handling functional trait data and transferring them into the Trait Data Standard (Schneider et al. in preparation).


There are two major use cases for the package:

  • preparation of own trait datasets for upload into public data bases, and

  • harmonizing trait datasets from different sources by moulding them into a unified format.

The toolset of the package includes

  • transforming species-trait-matrix or observation table data into a unified long-table format

  • mapping column names into terms provided in a standard trait vocabulary

  • matching of species names into GBIF Backbone Taxonomy (taxonomic ontology server)

  • matching of trait names into a user-provided traitlist, i.e. a thesaurus of traits

  • unifying trait values into target unit format and legit factor levels

  • saving trait dataset into a desired format using templates (e.g. for BExIS)

A documentation is available online at or offline in the package vignette 'traitdataform'.

EcologicalTraitData/traitdataform documentation built on June 12, 2022, 5:57 a.m.