Man pages for EcotopeResearch/EcotopePackage

cdxChanges directory based on an external reference document
continuous_uniform_timeAdds non-present time stamps in median increments.
EcotopePackage-packageVarious utility codes for internal Ecotope Use
name_fixChanges variable names.
omit_NA_colsRemoves columns with only missing values.
omit_zero_colsRemoves columns with only 0 values.
rbind.all.columnsA more robust rbind, allows for different columns.
read.seemHelper function to read SEEM outputs into R
single_pt_avg_imputeImputes single values with the mean of pior and post values....
stata_time_to_R_timeConvert Stata time to R time after using read.dta
var_range_fixOmits specific outlier range.
EcotopeResearch/EcotopePackage documentation built on May 6, 2019, 3:11 p.m.