Man pages for ElisabethDahlqwist/AF
Model-Based Estimation of Confounder-Adjusted Attributable Fractions

AF.ccAttributable fraction for mached and non-matched case-control...
AF.chAttributable fraction function for cohort sampling designs...
AFclogitAttributable fraction estimation based on a conditional...
AFcoxphAttributable fraction function based on a Cox Proportional...
AF.csAttributable fraction for cross-sectional sampling designs....
AFglmAttributable fraction estimation based on a logistic...
AFparfrailtyAttributable fraction function based on a Weibull...
clslowbwtBirthweight data clustered on the mother.
plot.AFPlot function for objects of class "'AF'" from the function...
rott2Cohort study on breast cancer patients from the Netherlands.
singaporeCase-control study on oesophageal cancer in Chinese Singapore...
summary.AFSummary function for objects of class "'AF'".
ElisabethDahlqwist/AF documentation built on May 6, 2019, 3:24 p.m.