Man pages for ElliottMess/KoboAnalyser
KoboAnalyser, data discovery and analysis for data collected through the KoboToolbox.

kobo_analysis_planImport the data analysis plan from the XLS form
kobo_bar_multiGenerate bar Chart - frequency - for select_multiple...
kobo_bar_multi_facetGenerate frequency bar chart for select_multiple variable
kobo_bar_oneGenerate bar Chart - frequency - for select_one questions
kobo_bar_one_facetGenerate faceted frequency bar chart
kobo_correlationGenerate histogramm plots based on dates
kobo_dicoData dictionnary
kobo_histoGenerate histograme for all integer questions
kobo_labelLabel Variable
kobo_projectconfigProject configuration file
kobo_projectinitAnalysis project initiation
kobo_questionGenerates graphics and basic information based on the type of...
kobo_reportGenerate the analysis
kobo_shinyShiny app launcher
kobo_text_cloudtext Could
kobo_weightWeight the data
ElliottMess/KoboAnalyser documentation built on May 17, 2019, 8:47 p.m.