Man pages for Emaasit/ebolaCases
Exploring Election and Census Highly Informative Data Nationally for Australia

abs20112011 Census data on all 150 electorates
aec2013_2cp2013 General election data for two candidate preferred votes...
aec2013_2cp_electorate2013 General election data for two candidate preferred votes...
aec2013_2pp2013 General election data for two party preferred votes for...
aec2013_2pp_electorate2013 General election data for two party preferred votes for...
aec2013_fp2013 General election data for first preference votes for...
aec2013_fp_electorate2013 General election data for first preference votes for...
aec_carto_faec_carto_f - run dorling ondata centers
aec_carto_join_faec_carto_join_f - bind the cartogram coordinates to original...
aec_extract_faec_extract_f - extract subsets geographically
circleDraw a circle
complete_colorAuto complete (or cut) a vector to a fixed length
dorlingProduce a Pseudo-Dorling Cartogram.
echidnaR-packageExploring Election and Census Highly Informative Data...
getElectorateShapesExtract shapefiles (of Australian electorates) from shp file
hexDatElectorate hexagon data in a tidy form
launchAppShiny app for exploring census and electorate data
nat_data(Very small) Map of Australian Electorate from 2013
nat_data_cartThis is the same as nat_data, but with a few more cols. We...
nat_mapMap of Australian Electorate from 2013
Emaasit/ebolaCases documentation built on May 6, 2019, 3:46 p.m.