Man pages for EmilHvitfeldt/cell
What the Package Does (One Line, Title Case)

all_sameChecks that all values in a vector are the same
cell_splitSplit a list of cells
constant_stageConstant size mutation simulation.
directions_to_seqsGenerate segment list from direction list
explosionExplosion of cell
explosion_stageCombined phase 3 simulation
gland_createCreate gland of cells from a single starting cell.
growth_stageSimulate cell splitting over n generations
mutationRandomly modify a cell.
path_simsufficiently simulate a cell splitting tree
plot.glandplot function for gland object
print.glandprint function for gland object
seqs_to_pathsconvert a list of sequences to a lsit of paths
weaveWeaves two vectors together using alternating indecies
weave_matrixWeaves two vectors together using alternating indecies
EmilHvitfeldt/cell documentation built on May 5, 2019, 7:03 p.m.