Man pages for EmilHvitfeldt/ggtetris
Create Tetris Chart Visualizations in R

block_posDertermine grid point positions to insure groups are...
break_helpRepeating of indexes
direction_checkChecks if there is a point at given location
ggtetrisCreates a tetris visualization using ggplot2
ggtetris-packageA package to create tetris chart visualizations in R
ggtetris_tidyTidy ggtetris inputs to regular ggplot usage
pipePipe operator
reduce_matrixRemove redundant points
scale_tetrisScales using original Tetris colors as scales
square_it_matExpands unit-squares on points.
tetrisCalculate the tetris shape outlining a set of connected...
tetris_colorTetris colors
EmilHvitfeldt/ggtetris documentation built on May 29, 2019, 2:48 p.m.