party.readpaths R package

The original party package is missing a function for reading the splitting criteria for each terminal node.

This package adds such a function: readCtreePaths.

Note: there is successor package to party named partykit. That package has a hidden function for the same purpose as readCtreePaths that can be found with


airq <- subset(airquality, !
act <- party::ctree(Ozone ~ .,data = airq)
readCtreePaths(act, airq)
#>   Node                     Path
#> 1    3 Wind <= 6.9 & Temp <= 82
#> 2    5  Temp <= 77 & Wind > 6.9
#> 3    6   Temp > 77 & Wind > 6.9
#> 4    8 Wind <= 10.3 & Temp > 82
#> 5    9  Wind > 10.3 & Temp > 82

See DESCRIPTION for dependencies.

EmilRehnberg/party.readpaths documentation built on May 23, 2019, 10:32 p.m.