Man pages for EmilyMarkowitz-NOAA/NMFSReports
Easily write NOAA reports and Tech Memos in R Markdown!

add_table_footnotesAdd footnotes within your tables in a smart way
auto_counterAdd a counter number.
buildReportBuild your intitial architecture for your new NOAA Tech Memo...
create_metadataRecord Metadata
crossrefReference a figure, table, or equation with an anchored tag
df2jsConvert dataframe to javascript
format_cellsAdd bold, italics, strikethrough in formating to table.
googledrive_txt_dlDownload text from google drive as plain text
is_something_in_this_matrixIs something in a matrix? Let's check!
mod_numberModify numbers.
numbers0Make numbers the same length preceeded by 0s
numbers2wordsConvert number to text string.
numbers2words_thConvert number to text string.
pchangeCalculate the percent change.
range_textFind a range of numbers for text
save_equationsSystematically save your figures for your report
save_figuresSystematically save your figures for your report
save_tablesSystematically save your report tables for your report
stndthFind the 'st, 'nd, or 'th of a value
text_listTakes a string of words and combines them into a sentance...
theme_flextable_nmfstmApply vanilla theme
TitleCaseMake a String Title Case
tolower2Make a string lower case except for stated (and common NOAA)...
url_existsTest if a URL works/exists
xunitsDetermine the appropriate unit for a value.
xunitspctDetermine the appropriate unit for a percent value.
EmilyMarkowitz-NOAA/NMFSReports documentation built on March 26, 2023, 1:08 a.m.