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if(!"devtools" %in% rownames(installed.packages())) {

Template setup

All instructions herein are case sensitive and tense specific, i.e. "Well" is not the same as "well" and "Well" is not the same as "Wells".

The template design is based on sheet precedence with Wells > Columns > Plate. This means e.g. if a key is present in the Plate sheet and also present in Columns sheet, the values in the Columns sheet will overwrite the values in the Plate sheet where they differ.


Plate sheet

Columns sheet

Wells sheet


Importing metadata into R

There is currently only one exported function in the package which is called "metadata". The metadata function takes a plate/file name and a googledrive path as arguments and downloads, processes, and returns the metadata as a tibble. Precedence is resolved automatically and the metadata is expanded so that there is one entry per sample.

Adding non-standard metadata

There is some limited functionality for adding metadata for non-standard datasets, e.g. datasets produced by other labs that don't necessiarily conform well to the typical Enge lab setup. This can be achieved by substituting the value in the wells_in_plate key for the number of samples and, in addition, removing all columns from the Columns sheet. The current setup only allows for metadata associated with an entire experiment or individual samples (which can be annotated in the wells sheet).

EngeLab/EngeMetadata documentation built on March 23, 2021, 8:19 p.m.