
#' @title Prepare md post to jekyll.
#' @description
#' \code{post_jekyll} modify the markdown file created with \code{knit} and
#' exports it to the folder of your jekyll webpage. Basically, this function
#' modifies the path of images to match adequately with your jekyll structure
#' end save it on the _posts folder of your jekyll web repositoory.
#' @details
#' details.
#' @param filename Name of the post you want to export to jekyll.
#' @param path_jekyll Path to your _posts folder.
#' @param fig_jekyll String that needs to be added to the figures link.
#' @return Generates a markdown file on your _posts folder (you must specify
#' this path adequately).
#' @author Erick A. Chacon-Montalvan
#' @export
# post_jekyll <- function (filename,
#   path_jekyll = "/home/chaconmo/Documents/Repositories/erickchacon/_posts",
#   fig_jekyll = "{{site.baseurl}}/assets/images/") {
#   content <- readLines(filename)
#   new_content <- gsub("(!\\[.+\\]\\()(.+\\))",
#                       paste0("\\1", fig_jekyll, "\\2"),
#                       content)
#   filename <- file.path(path_jekyll, filename)
#   write(new_content, file = filename)
#   # cat(paste(filename, "successfully exported to jekyll.\n"))
# }
ErickChacon/day2day documentation built on May 6, 2019, 4:03 p.m.