Man pages for ErlendNilsen/MSEtools
A collection of tools used when building (generalized) MSE models

HarvDec1Harvest decision model - assuming population estimates (i.e....
HarvDec_EHarvest decision model - when measures of hunters frustration...
Impl_CMCsirke_MacCall's CPUE model
Impl_rdImplementation of harvest quota
Impl_schaeferSchaefer's CPUE model
Impl_SM2Csirke_MacCall's CPUE model
obs_mod1Simple(st) observation model
PopMod_GompGompertz population model - harvest before density dependent...
PopMod_TLpostTheta-logistic population model - harvest after density...
PopMod_TLpreTheta-logistic population model - harvest before density...
PopMod_TLvarTheta-logistic population model - variant
ErlendNilsen/MSEtools documentation built on May 6, 2019, 4:03 p.m.