instload.packages: Install and Load R Packages

Description Usage Details


This function receives a list of packages to install and load. For each of the package names, it does:

1- checks local repository of installed packages. If the given package is not installed it installs it otherwise it throws warning message and skip to the next package 2- Once all packages installed successfully, it load them into workspace using 'require' function If at all you give a package that cannot be installed, it ignores its loading and throws a warning message about its failure to install the package.




Note 1: Functional Modes: By default the function reports successfull installation of those packages successfully installed. However, if reporting is not desirable, can turn it off by 'silent=FALSE'

Note 2: instload.packages does accept only list of characters. It does not accept integer or decimal values


example: instload.packages("caret","tm","ts") instload.packages("caret","tm","ts",silent=TRUE) ============================================== Please do not hesiatate to report errors or exceptions to my email @

Espanta/instload.packages documentation built on May 6, 2019, 4:04 p.m.