opts_knit$set(root.dir="../../..") # file paths are relative to the root of the project directory


I need a matching table betwen comext country codes and comtrade country codes.

dtfmonthly <- readdbproduct(44079998, tableread = "raw_flow_comext")
dtfyearly <- readdbproduct(440799, tableread = "raw_flow_yearly")
#' Clean comext monthly trade flows
#' The function uses regional conversion factors
#' and unit prices generated from the yearly data frame.
#' @param dtfmonthly data frame of monthly trade flows
#' @export
cleancomextmonthly <- function(dtfmonthly,
                         geoaggregation = "region",
                         replacebypartnerquantity = TRUE,
                         shaveprice = TRUE,
                         outputalltables = FALSE){

    ### Prepare yearly conversion factors and prices
    message("\nIn an ideal world conversion factors, prices and choice table would be placed
in a database table, and not recalculated each time from the raw_flow_yearly.
We sacrificed a few seconds of execution time for an easier implementation.\n")
    y <- clean(dtfyearly, geoaggregation = geoaggregation, outputalltables = TRUE)

    ### Prepare monthly data
    # Keep only columns usefull for R,
    # Those efi column names that are in config/column_names.csv
    columnsread <- names(dtfmonthly)[names(dtfmonthly) %in%
    dtfmonthly <- dtfmonthly %>%
        select_(.dots= columnsread) %>%
        removeduplicatedflows %>%
        #     no quantity means no conversion factor and price
        #     addconversionfactorandprice %>%
    nrowbeforechange <- nrow(dtfmonthly)

    ### Estimate quantity
    # Replace "exports" and "import" by "export" and "import"
    dtfmonthly$flow <-gsub("ports", "port", dtfmonthly$flow)
    dtfmonthly <- dtfmonthly %>%
        estimatequantity(y$price, y$conversionfactor) %>%
    if (replacebypartnerquantity){
        dtfmonthly <- dtfmonthly %>% replacebypartnerquantity(y$choice)
    if (shaveprice){
        dtfmonthly <- dtfmonthly %>%
            mutate(price = tradevalue / quantity) %>% # Recaculate  price
            shaveprice # based on yearly upper and lower prices added above

    # Check if the number of rows has changed (it shouldn't)
    # It might change if there are duplicated flows
    stopifnot(nrow(dtfmonthly) == nrowbeforechange)

    ### 2 different kinds of output
    # List output
        return(list(dtf = dtfmonthly,
                    price = y$price,
                    conversionfactor = y$conversionfactor,
                    choice = y$choice)
    # Data frame output

EuropeanForestInstitute/tradeflows documentation built on Oct. 7, 2019, 10:57 a.m.