This is the development version of the completeness report. The version distributed with the package is under inst/templates


This report is generated automatically based on data from the UN Comtrade API. Tables and graphs are in development. They are intended for internal use within the TradeFLowsDB project. Country numbers in tables below might be slightly overestimated, use them as a rough indication only.

message("You can now develop reports directly in the inst/templates folder !!!")
message("There is a way to generate them without building the package by specifying the template inputpath")
tfdata <- readdbproduct(440799, "raw_flow_yearly")
productcodeinreport <- 440799

# This report is intended for one product only
tfdata2 <- tfdata %>% 
    addregion %>%
    filter(productcode == productcodeinreport) %>%

completeness <- tfdata2 %>%
    select(reporter, classification, year, quantity, weight, tradevalue) %>%
    melt(id=c("reporter", "classification", "year"))  %>%
    mutate(value = ! %>%
    unique %>% 
    arrange(classification, reporter, year)
productcodeinreport <- as.character(productcodeinreport)
flagcountry <- tfdata2 %>%
    group_by(reporter, year, flow, flag) %>%
    filter(flow %in% c("Import", "Export")) %>%
    summarise(tradevalue = sum(tradevalue),
              quantity = sum(quantity, na.rm = TRUE),
              weight = sum(weight, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
    data.frame %>% # Needed otherwise it will return factors with only one level Factor w/ 1 level "0":
    mutate(flag = as.factor(flag))

flagregion <- tfdata2 %>%
    group_by(regionreporter, year, flow, flag) %>%
    filter(flow %in% c("Import", "Export")) %>% # Remove re-import and re-export
    summarise(tradevalue = sum(tradevalue),
              quantity = sum(quantity, na.rm = TRUE),
              weight = sum(weight, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% 
    data.frame %>% # Needed otherwise it will return factors with only one level Factor w/ 1 level "0":
    mutate(flag = as.factor(flag))


Product definitions

Product r productcodeinreport has the following definitions:

productname <- tfdata2 %>% 
    select(classification, productdescription) %>%
    arrange(classification) %>%

for(code in productname$classification){
    cat("\n\n__",code,":__ ", sep="")
    cat(productname$product[productname$classification == code])


Number of reporting countries by year and by classification type.

completeness %>% 
    select(reporter, year, classification) %>%
    unique() %>% # Keep only unique combinations of reporter, year, classification
    group_by(year, classification) %>% 
    dcast(year ~ classification, value.var="reporter", length) %>%

List of countries using each classification type in r max(completeness$year).

reporterbyclassif <- completeness %>% 
    filter(year == max(year)) %>%
    select(year, classification, reporter) %>%
#     group_by(classification) %>%
#     do(head(.,2)) # works! how to use this do

for (code in unique(reporterbyclassif$classification)){
    cat("\n\n__",code,":__ ", sep="")
    cat(reporterbyclassif$reporter[reporterbyclassif$classification == code], 
        sep=", ")

Completeness by country and by classification type

# Prepare table to show partner countries
# remove world
tfdata3 <- tfdata2 %>% 
    filterworldeu28 %>%
    select(year, classification, flow, reporter, partner) %>%
    arrange(year, classification, flow)
for (r in unique(completeness$reporter)){
    cat("\n\n###", r, "\n")

    # plot completeness
    p <- ggplot(data=filter(completeness, reporter == r), 
                aes(x = year, y = variable, 
                    xend = year + 1, yend = variable, 
                    color = value, linetype = value)) +
        scale_colour_manual(values = c("TRUE" = "blue", "FALSE" = "red")) +
        scale_linetype_manual(values = c("TRUE" = 2, "FALSE" = 1)) +
        geom_segment(size=3) + 
        facet_grid(classification~.) +
        ggtitle(paste("Data completeness of", productcodeinreport,
                      "in", r))

    ###################################################### #
    # Number of trade partners per classification and year #
    ###################################################### #
    # Reported by the country
    npartnersbyr <- tfdata3 %>% 
        filter(reporter == r) %>%
        dcast(year + classification ~ flow, value.var="partner", length) 
                    caption = paste("Number of trade partners reported by", r))))

    # Reported by partner countries
    try(npartnersbyothers <- tfdata3 %>% 
            filter(partner == r) %>%
            dcast(year + classification ~ flow, value.var="reporter", length))
                    caption = paste("Number of countries who report trading with",
r = "France"
# plot completeness
p <- ggplot(data=filter(completeness, reporter == r), 
            aes(x = year, y = variable, 
                xend = year + 1, yend = variable, 
                linetype = value)) +
    scale_colour_manual(values = c("TRUE" = "blue", "FALSE" = "red")) +
    scale_linetype_manual(values = c("TRUE" = 2, "FALSE" = 1)) +
    geom_segment(aes(color = value), size=3) + 
    geom_text(aes(y = "classification", label=classification)) +
#     coord_cartesian(ylim = c(-0.3, 3.5)) +
    ggtitle(paste("Data completeness of", productcodeinreport,
                  "in", r))

# plot flag ##########
pflagfr <- ggplot(data = filter(flagcountry, reporter == r),
                aes(x= year, y = tradevalue, fill = flag)) + 
    geom_bar(stat = "identity") + facet_grid(flow ~ ., scales = "free_y") 
pflagfr + aes(y = weight)
pflagfr + aes(y = quantity)

message("Change flag labels to a short description for the plot")

pflag <- ggplot(data = flagregion,
                aes(x = year, y = tradevalue, fill = flag)) + 
    geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
    facet_grid(flow ~ regionreporter, scales = "free_y")
pflag + aes(y = weight)
pflag + aes(y = quantity)

# what are those extreme quantities?
bigquantity <-filter(tfdata2, quantity>1e6) %>%
    mutate(flag = paste("Flag", flag))
ggplot(data = bigquantity,
       aes(x = reporter,y = quantity, label = partner, 
           color = as.factor(year))) +
    geom_text() + scale_y_log10() + 
    facet_grid(flag ~ flow) + theme_bw()

ggplot(data = bigquantity,
       aes(x = year, y = quantity, fill = as.factor(flag))) + 
    geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
    facet_grid(flow ~ regionreporter, scales = "free_y") +
    ggtitle("It seems all large quantities are flag 0 or 4")

ggplot(data = filter(tfdata2, quantity<1e7),
       aes(x = year, y = quantity, fill = as.factor(flag))) + 
    geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
    facet_grid(flow ~ regionreporter, scales = "free_y") +
    ggtitle("quantity < 1e7")

EuropeanForestInstitute/tradeflows documentation built on Oct. 7, 2019, 10:57 a.m.