opts_knit$set(root.dir="../../..") # file paths are relative to the root of the project directory

Download and decompress

# Prepare the filename to 
# download all comext trade flows for a given year
year <- "2016"
month <- "12"
bulkfile <- paste0("nc",year,month, ".7z")

Most recent data is located in :

The problem is that the directory name changes through time. Last time I downloaded data (in 2015) I used this URL (difference highlighted) download.file(paste0("",bulkfile), destfile = paste0("data-raw/",bulkfile)) The previous url doesn't work anymore, now I have to use this one: comexturl <- paste0("", year, month,".7z")

I going through the various Comext instructions trying to find out. Do you have any idea of the time frame at which these eurostat urls change?

# The problem is that the directory name changes through time. 
# Last time downloaded data I used this URL (difference highlighted)
                  destfile = paste0("data-raw/",bulkfile))
# The previous url doesn't work anymore, now I have to use this one:
comexturl <- paste0("", year, month,".7z")

# I going through the various Comext instructions trying to find out.
# Do you have any idea of the time frame at which these eurostat urls change?

# Change to the raw-data directory
curdir <- getwd()  

# decompress file and come back to the project root directory
tryCatch(system2("p7zip", args=c("-d", bulkfile)),
    finally = setwd(curdir))

Read .dat file

Comext bulk files are over 400 Mb in size and cannot be read in one slice. One has to extract a slice of interesting product codes first.

# read.table takes more than 10 minutes to run on a laptop
# nc2012 <- read.table("data-raw/nc201252.dat", header = TRUE)
# Therefore it is necessary to filter only lines which contain a certain
# code, as it's hard to figure out where the code is in the line
# I filter in 2 operations:
# 1. filter all lines containing productcode with grep
# 2. filter all lines where the code starts with productcode in R 

bulkfile <- gsub(".7z", ".dat", bulkfile)
productcode2digit <- 44

# Change to the raw-data directory
curdir <- getwd()  
# grep productcode2digit into a smaller file containing only those characters
system2("grep", args=c(productcode2digit,bulkfile), 
        stdout = paste0(productcode2digit,bulkfile))
# Read the first line of bulkfile to use it as col.names 
header <- readLines(bulkfile, n=1)
header <- strsplit(header,",")[[1]]

# read the data file
nc <- read.table(paste0("data-raw/", productcode2digit, bulkfile),
                     sep=",", col.names = header,
# use the column table 
column_names %>% filter(! %>%
    select(comext, efi) %>%kable

nc <- renamecolumns(nc,"comext","efi")

ncsorted <- nc %>% group_by(productcode) %>% 
    select(weight,quantity,tradevalue) %>%
    summarise_each(funs(sum(.,na.rm=TRUE))) %>%

# Filter only columns which contain product codes starting with 44. 
nc2 <- nc %>% 
    filter(substring(productcode,1,2) == as.character(productcode2digit)) %>%
    mutate(productcode = as.integer(productcode))

Write to the database

writedbcomextraw <- function(dtf, tablewrite){
    db <- getOption("tradeflowsDB")
    DBwrite <- RMariaDB::dbConnect(RMariaDB::MariaDB(),
                                 user=db["user"], host=db["host"],
                                 password=db["password"], dbname=db["dbname"])
    dtf <- data.frame(dtf)
    result <- RMariaDB::dbWriteTable(DBwrite, name = tablewrite,
                           value=dtf, append=TRUE, row.names = FALSE)
message("Change table structure larger int for productcode and period is a tinyint, not a year")
message("Pull back data from the database and check that both table have the same structure")
message("elaborate the integration test first")

Manipulate comtrade data

# A tbl object to perform arbitraty operations
monthly <- readdbtbl("raw_flow_monthly_comext")
monthly %>% select(productcode) %>% distinct() %>% 
    collect() %>% nrow()

Product codes which never have a quantity

prodcodes <-  monthly %>% select(productcode) %>% collect %>% unique() 

countq <- monthly %>% 
    mutate(noquantity = %>%
    group_by(productcode, noquantity) %>%
    summarise(n = n()) %>% 
    collect() %>%
stopifnot(sum(countq[-1], na.rm=TRUE) == nrow(nc2))

Calculate monthly prices

# Data for only one product
swd <- readdbproduct(44079991, "raw_flow_monthly_comext") %>%

swd %>% extractprices()

EuropeanForestInstitute/tradeflows documentation built on Oct. 7, 2019, 10:57 a.m.