By yihui

#' Generate static documentation
#' @param pkg character package name
#' @param links named character vector of links, as returned by findHTMLlinks.
static_help = function(pkg, links = tools::findHTMLlinks()) {
    wd <- getwd()
    helpdir <- system.file('html', package = "tradeflows")
    message("Generated help files will be placed in ", helpdir)
    pkgRdDB = tools:::fetchRdDB(file.path(find.package(pkg), 
                                          'help', pkg))
    force(links); topics = names(pkgRdDB)
    for (p in topics) {
                       paste(p, 'html', sep = '.'),
                       package = pkg, 
                       Links = links, 
                       no_links = is.null(links))
    setwd(wd) # Get back to the current working directory


EuropeanForestInstitute/tradeflows documentation built on Oct. 7, 2019, 10:57 a.m.