opts_knit$set(root.dir="../..") # file paths are relative to the root of the project directory

Mail discussion December 2015

Here is the issue mentioned by Jean from ITTO in his December 2015 email :

3) Querying the data: When I query 2005-China-volume import-from Malaysia-code 440349, I get roughly 370 000 m3. When I query the mirror stat I get something like 195 000 m3. My understanding of this project was somehow that the system would give us what it thinks it is the best estimate for this trade flow.

Suggestion to suppress RMySQL's lengthy warnings concerning data type changes.

2005 China Malaysia 440349 trade discrepancy issue

logs49r <- suppressWarnings(readdbproduct(440349, "raw_flow_yearly")) %>%
logs49v <- suppressWarnings(readdbproduct(440349, "validated_flow_yearly"))

chimal <- c("China", "Malaysia")
bilflows <- function(dtf, countries = c("China", "Malaysia"), minyear=0, maxyear=9999){
    dtf %>% 
        filter(year >= minyear & year <= maxyear) %>%
        filter(reporter %in% countries & partner %in% countries) %>%
        select(productcode, flow, year, reporter, partner, tradevalue, quantity, flag)
logs49r %>% bilflows(minyear=2005, maxyear=2005) 
logs49v %>% bilflows(minyear=2005, maxyear=2005) 

logs49rcleaned <- logs49r %>% clean()
logs49rcleaned %>% bilflows(minyear=2005, maxyear=2005)

Try to correct the issue on 2010 data

Update 14 December: the issue has also been fixed on 2005 data now. Before the change, the 2 tables below illustrate discrepancies remaining in the cleaned data.

# Raw data
productcode   flow year reporter  partner tradevalue quantity flag
1      440349 Import 2010    China Malaysia   84356413   391076    0
2      440349 Export 2010 Malaysia    China   28229869   185550    4

# validated data EFI
  productcode   flow year reporter  partner tradevalue quantity flag
1      440349 Import 2010    China Malaysia   84356413   185550 4000
2      440349 Export 2010 Malaysia    China   28229869    29223  304

# Cleaned data on my system (slight difference due to change in price rounding)
  productcode   flow year reporter  partner tradevalue  quantity flag
1      440349 Import 2010    China Malaysia   84356413 185550.00 4000
2      440349 Export 2010 Malaysia    China   28229869  29230.76  304

# The difference is due to the fact that replacebypartnervalue() is 
# called before shaveprice()
# I changed the order in which those 2 functions are called.
cleaned <- logs49r %>% clean()

logs49v %>% bilflows(minyear=2010, maxyear=2010)
# Raw data
logs49r %>% bilflows(minyear=2010, maxyear=2010)
cleaned %>% bilflows(minyear=2010, maxyear=2010)

logs49r %>% 
    filter(year == 2010) %>%
    filter(reporter %in% chimal & partner %in% chimal) %>%
    addpartnerflow() %>%
    addconversionfactorandprice() %>%
    select(productcode, flow, year, reporter, partner, reportercode, partnercode, 
           tradevalue, quantity, flag, quantitypartner)

Illustrate price variation

chimaldata <- logs49r %>%
    filter(reporter %in% chimal & partner %in% chimal) %>%

ggplot(chimaldata, aes(x=year, y=price, color=reporter)) + geom_point() +
    facet_wrap(~flow) + ggtitle("prices of 440349 in China and Malaysia") + ylim(0,NA)

message("Variables that identify a unique flow")
flowidvariables <- c("year", "reporter","partner", "flow","productcode")
# chimaldata2 <- gather(chimaldata, key, value, -year, -reporter, -partner, -flow, -productcode),
#        aes(x = year, y = value, 
# ggplot()

chimaldata %>% select(year, reporter, partner, flow, tradevalue, quantity, price) %>% kable()

440320 issues with NA quantity

devtools::load_all() # Load unexported function replacebypartnerquantity()
log20r <- readdbproduct(440320,"raw_flow_yearly") 
log20v <- readdbproduct(440320,"validated_flow_yearly")
log20vna <- log20v %>% filter(
chnrus <- c("China","Russian Federation")
log20r %>% bilflows(chnrus, minyear = 2014, maxyear = 2014)
log20v %>% bilflows(chnrus, minyear = 2014, maxyear = 2014)
log20vna %>% bilflows(chnrus)
fraswe <- c("France", "Sweden")
log20r %>% bilflows(fraswe, minyear = 2012, maxyear = 2012)
log20v %>% bilflows(fraswe, minyear = 2012, maxyear = 2012)
# Raw data has quantity for both flows, validated data has a missing quantity
# Add a breakpoint in the replacebypartnerquantity() function

# This data frame contains data for France and Sweden, and I want to mirror it
fs <- log20r %>% 
    filter(reporter %in% fraswe & partner %in% fraswe & year ==2012) %>%
    mutate(tradevaluepartner = NA, quantitypartner = NA)
choicefs <- fs %>% select(flow, reportercode, partnercode) %>% 
    mutate(favorpartner = c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)) 
# A NA value should not appear under quantitypartner
# There is an issue with the merge
# The merge should be done at some point
fs %>%  replacebypartnerquantity(choicefs)
fs %>% findduplicatedflows()

Flag 5000 missing?

dtf <- readdbtbl("validated_flow_yearly")
dtf %>% group_by(flag) %>%
    summarise(number = n(),
              quantity = sum(quantity)) %>% kable()

prodcode <- dtf %>% select(productcode) %>% distinct() %>% collect()

dtfr <- readdbtbl("raw_flow_yearly") %>%
    select(productcode) %>% distinct() %>% collect()
dtfr <- dtfr %>% mutate(digit = round(productcode/1e2)) 

# Clean a dataset to see
swd99r <- readdbproduct(440799, "raw_flow_yearly")
swd99v <- clean(swd99r)

Flag 9000 shouldn't appear

swd99r %>% bilflows(bulden, minyear = 2009, maxyear = 2009)
 productcode   flow year reporter  partner tradevalue quantity flag
1      440799 Import 2009  Denmark Bulgaria       1511        5    2

swd99v %>% bilflows(bulden, minyear = 2009, maxyear = 2009)
  productcode   flow year reporter  partner tradevalue quantity flag
1      440799 Export 2009 Bulgaria  Denmark       1511       NA 9302
2      440799 Import 2009  Denmark Bulgaria       1511       NA 4302
# BUlgaria Denmark 2009 440799
bulden <- c("Bulgaria", "Denmark")
swd99r %>% bilflows(bulden, minyear = 2009, maxyear = 2009)
swd99v %>% bilflows(bulden, minyear = 2009, maxyear = 2009)

EuropeanForestInstitute/tradeflows documentation built on Oct. 7, 2019, 10:57 a.m.