opts_knit$set(root.dir="../..") # file paths are relative to the root of the project directory

#' Bilateral trade flows for the selected countries
#' @param dtf data frame of bilateral trade flows
#' @param countries a vector of country names
#' @param minyear start year
#' @param maxyear end year
bilflows <- function(dtf, countries, minyear=0, maxyear=9999){
    dtf %>% 
        filter(year >= minyear & year <= maxyear) %>%
        filter(reporter %in% countries & partner %in% countries) %>%
        select(productcode, flow, year, reporter, partner, 
               tradevalue, weight, quantity, 
               medianconversion, medianprice, flag)

NULL (NA) quantities

Jo reported this under redmine/issues/153

# logs10r <- readdbproduct(440310, "raw_flow_yearly")
# Issue: missing data

logs41r <- readdbproduct(440341, "raw_flow_yearly")
logs41v <- clean(logs41r)
logs41vna <- logs41v %>% filter(
chncog <- c("China", "Congo")
logs41vna %>% bilflows(chncog) %>% kable()

EuropeanForestInstitute/tradeflows documentation built on Oct. 7, 2019, 10:57 a.m.