opts_knit$set(root.dir="../../..") # file paths are relative to the root of the project directory
library(tradeflows)   # Which package is this?
# This chunk can be deleted once this file is converted to a template
fibre <- loadrawdata(550410)
fibre$productcode <- fibre$productdescription
swd99 <- fibre
dtf <- fibre
# load("440799.RData")
# swd99 <- renamecolumns(dtf, "comtrade", "efi")

Load data

This report is generated automatically based on data from the UN Comtrade API. Tables and graphs are in development. They are intended for internal use within the TradeFLowsDB project.

Warning for the igraph package

Warning for unavailable iso codes

Areas, nes, Free Zones | Other Asia, nes | North America and Central America, nes, Other Europe, nes |Other Africa, nes

See table below. list of partner for which unavailable iso codes

swd99 %>% filter( %>%
    select(partner, partneriso) %>%

Prepare data

# reporter2exclude <- reportercomtrade %>% filter(
#     filter(reportercode %in% reporter2exclude$reportercode |
#                partnercode %in% reporter2exclude$reportercode )

swd99 <- dtf %>%
    filter(flow == "Import" & year ==2011) %>%
    # Remove World and EU28     !!!! Year should not be 2011 fixed, but last one -2!!!!!
    filter(!reportercode %in% c(0,97) &
               !partnercode %in% c(0,97)) %>%
    # Remove those trade flows from a country with itself   !!!!! THIS DID NOT WORK !!!!!!!!! 
    filter(reportercode != partnercode) %>%
    # Remove reporteriso and partneriso which are not available
    filter(! & !

data_frame <- swd99 %>% 
  select(EXPORTER = partneriso,
         IMPORTER = reporteriso,
         weight = tradevalue) %>%
  mutate(weight = round(weight/1000))
# show begining of table

Prepare attributes tables and Generate network visualisation

# Sort all countries by alphabetical order
attributes_COO <- data.frame(name = unique(c(data_frame$EXPORTER, data_frame$IMPORTER))) %>%
    arrange(name) %>%
    mutate(name = as.character(name))

############################################### #
# Experimental, comment this out if not needed  #
############################################### #
# Add all combination of EXPORTER and IMPORTER codes 
# to the data frame to try to avoid the error message "vertex names in edge list..."
# When running the function
# Error in = data_frame, vertices = attributes_COO) : 
#   Some vertex names in edge list are not listed in vertex data frame
# dtf <- data.frame()
# for (v in attributes_COO$name){
#     dtf <- rbind(dtf,
#                  data.frame(EXPORTER=v, IMPORTER=attributes_COO$name))
# }
# data_frame <- merge(data_frame, dtf, all=TRUE) 
# data_frame$weight[$weight)] <- 0
# ###################################

attributes_COO$id <- row.names(attributes_COO)
# Sum of export for each country
exports <- data_frame %>% group_by(EXPORTER) %>%
    summarise(x = sum(weight)) %>% rename(name = EXPORTER)
# Sum of import for each country
imports <- data_frame %>% group_by(IMPORTER) %>%
    summarise(y = sum(weight)) %>% rename(name = IMPORTER)
# Merve sum of export and sum of import into the attributes table   !!! The command below decreases the number of rows in attrib.!
attributes_COO <- attributes_COO %>%
    merge(exports, all.x=TRUE) %>% 
    merge(imports, all.x=TRUE)
attributes_COO$x[$x)] <- 0
attributes_COO$y[$y)] <- 0
attributes_COO <- attributes_COO %>%
  mutate( = x + y, 
           size = / max(*100, 
           percent = / sum(*100) 
# Total trade normalised from 0 to 100

# This creates the data graph file with linked attributes file!
data_graph <- = data_frame, vertices = attributes_COO)

# Rename this column percent to "%" very bad practice  # perhaps we do not need to do this
# names(attributes_COO)[names(attributes_COO)=="percent"] <- "%"
# show begining of table

################################ #
# Generate network visualisation #
################################ #
# this is a penalty for using scientific notations
options(scipen = 3)    
# This creates an graph object 
# data_graph <- 

# attributes_COO <- cbind(1:length(attributes_COO [,1]), attributes_COO)
# This deletes ties (trade flows) below the mean value of trade flow.  It is better to tye to do this just under plot! 
# data_graph1 <- delete.edges(data_graph,   E(data_graph)[ weight < 489]    ) 

# attributes_COO <- read.csv("docs/development/networkvisualisation/Attributes COO.csv", header=TRUE)
# attributes_COO <-  attributes_COO %>% filter(!name %in% data_frame$EXPORTER)
# attributes_COO %>% filter(!name %in% data_frame$IMPORTER)

# data_graph <- = data_frame, vertices = attributes_COO)
# Specify the layout
Layout_auto <-, dim=2)
# V(data_graph1)$size=degree(data_graph)*200000   !!!!! THIS IS NOT GOOD!!!!
# Need to automatically define mean and top 10 trade flows!!
E(data_graph)[ weight > 3147 ]$color <- " grey "
E(data_graph)[ weight > 552782 ]$color <- "red"

plot(data_graph,layout= Layout_auto, vertex.size=V(data_graph)$size/3, edge.arrow.size=0.7, 
     edge.width=E(data_graph)$weight/150000, rescale=FALSE, xlim=range(attributes_COO[,3]), 
     ylim=range(attributes_COO[,4]), axes=TRUE, xlab="Export (1000 USD)", ylab="Import (1000 USD)" )    

#     xlim=round(range(attributes_COO[,4])/1000), 
#     ylim=range(attributes_COO[,5]), axes=TRUE, 

# plot(data_graph,
#     layout= Layout_auto, rescale=FALSE, 


"Some vertex names in edge list are not listed in vertex data frame"

attributes_COO$name %in% data_graph1

# Do we loose countries?
sum(!attributes_COO$name %in% data_frame$EXPORTER)
attributes_COO$name[!attributes_COO$name %in% data_frame$EXPORTER]
sum(!data_frame$EXPORTER %in% attributes_COO$name)
sum(!attributes_COO$name %in% data_frame$IMPORTER)

sum(!data_frame$EXPORTER %in% dtf$EXPORTER)
unique(data_frame$EXPORTER[!data_frame$EXPORTER %in% dtf$EXPORTER])
sum(!data_frame$IMPORTER %in% dtf$IMPORTER)

EuropeanForestInstitute/tradeflows documentation built on Oct. 7, 2019, 10:57 a.m.