opts_knit$set(root.dir="../..") # file paths are relative to the root of the project directory

What should be in the list of reports?

Reports are made on all years available in the DB. This could be change to concern only the last 5 years (or last 10 years) for which the most data is available.

Report specific:

Create a list of overview reports for the server

This list could itself be a report generated in html form? Is it possible to create html reports with createreport() ? Current version of createreport() is rendering in pdf format only:

rmarkdown::render(output_format = rmarkdown::pdf_document())

Considering that many options in createreport() will not be needed, a new function can generate the list of reports as an html file. A data frame called "flowavailable" can summarise available information for all possible report types. A list of all available products by country in all years

|reporter |productcode | period | rawdata | validateddata | |:--------|:-----------|:-------|:--------|:-------------:| | France | 440710 | 2010 | TRUE | TRUE |

From this data frame we can extract:

Summarise flows available

#' Generate a list of distinct reporter and productcode available by year
#' It's rather a lengthy (few seconds) process
#' The output can be used to generate lists of reports
findavailableflows <- function(){
    rawflow <- readdbtbl("raw_flow_yearly") %>%
        select(reporter, productcode, period) %>%
        distinct() %>% 
        collect() %>%
        mutate(rawdata = TRUE)
    validatedflow <- readdbtbl("validated_flow_yearly") %>%
        select(reporter, productcode, period) %>%
        distinct() %>%
        collect() %>%
        mutate(validateddata = TRUE) 
    flowavailable <- full_join(rawflow, validatedflow, by = c("reporter", "productcode", "period"))
    # replace NA value by false
    flowavailable[] <- FALSE
# system.time(findavailableflows())
#   user  system elapsed 
# 24.308   0.008  42.463 

# Select country only
# system.time(flowavailable <- readdbtbl("validated_flow_yearly") %>%
#         select(reporter) %>%
#         distinct() %>%
#         collect())
#    user  system elapsed 
#   0.024   0.000   7.042 

Generate a list of countries with links to overview reports

countries <- flowavailable %>% 
    select(reporter) %>%
path <- "../../../reports/overview/"
# Simulate country table
countries <- data_frame(reporter = c("Finland", "France")) 

Regenerate a few reports which had spaces in their names

countries <- readdbtbl("validated_flow_yearly") %>%
        select(reporter) %>%
        distinct() %>%

# countriesspace <- countries %>% filter(grepl(" ",reporter))
# lapply(countriesspace$reporter,trytocreateoverviewreports)

Create all overview reports

# Generate a lot of reports in the /tmp directory
curdir <- getwd()

EuropeanForestInstitute/tradeflows documentation built on Oct. 7, 2019, 10:57 a.m.