
options(digits = 4) #  Number of digits in knitr tables
opts_chunk$set(echo=FALSE, message=FALSE)


This document presents an overview of validated UN COMTRADE trade flow data for key forest product categories. The key forest product categories follow the main product groups of the FAO/ITTO/ECE/Eurostat forest products classification system. For each of these main forest product categories, the value and quantity of trade is shown for the relevant 6-digit product codes of the Harmonized System, i.e. the world customs commodity classification system. You can query detailed trade statistics via the Data Query and Visualisation interface.

######### #
# ! This chunk is used for development purposes only, keep eval=FALSE.
######### #
# Test countries: Cameroon, Ghana, Indonesia
reporterinreport <- "France"
reporterinreport <- "Germany"
reporterinreport <- "Gabon"
# Generate the report from the version in development, JFSQ level 1 titles (default)
createoverviewreport(reporterinreport, inputpath = "inst/templates", beginyear = 2010, endyear = 2014)

# JFSQ level 2 titles
createoverviewreport(reporterinreport, inputpath = "inst/templates", beginyear = 2010, endyear = 2014, jfsqlevel = 2)

# Generate the tfdata dataset for development purposes within this template, JFSQ level 1 titles (default)
tfdata <- createoverviewreport(reporterinreport, dataonly = TRUE, inputpath = "inst/templates")
# dataset with level 2 titles
tfdata <- createoverviewreport(reporterinreport, dataonly = TRUE, inputpath = "inst/templates", jfsqlevel = 2)

tfdata %>% group_by(product) %>%
    summarise(tradevalue = sum(tradevalue),
              quantity = sum(quantity)) %>% data.frame() %>%
    arrange(tradevalue) #%>% kable
# 100 largest trade flows
largetf <- tfdata %>% filterworldeu28 %>% data.frame() %>% # remove grouping
    arrange(desc(tradevalue)) %>% head(100)

#' n largest partners for the dataframe currently in use in the report
#' Filter data in dtf for those 10 large partners
#' @param dtf data frame of trade flow data
#' @param n number of parnters to select
#' @param product_ character vector of product names, when NULL, query all products
#' @examples
#' largepartnersbyflow(tfdata,"ROUNDWOOD", "Import")
#' }
largepartnersbyflow <- function(dtf, product_, flow_, n = 5){
    dtf %>%
        filter(product %in% product_ & 
                   flow == flow_) %>%
        # Group by year as well
        group_by(year, reporter, partner, partnercode, flow, product) %>%
        summarise(tradevalue = sum(tradevalue)) %>%
        filterworldeu28() %>% 
        # Group again without years, this will get the sum of all years
        group_by(flow, partner, partnercode) %>% 
        summarise(tradevalue = sum(tradevalue)) %>%
        ungroup() %>%
        arrange(desc(tradevalue)) %>% 

#' Filter trade flows for the largest partners
#' @param dtf data frame of trade flows
#' @param product_ given product name
#' @param flow character, flow name
#' @examples
#' filterlargepartners(tfdata,"ROUNDWOOD", "Volume in cubic meters","Import")
#' }
filterlargepartners <- function(dtf, product_, flow_){
    # Prepare this object first otherwise query is very slow
    partnercodes <- largepartnersbyflow(dtf, product_, flow_)$partnercode
    # Data
    dtf2 <- dtf %>% 
        filter(product == product_ & 
                   flow == flow_ & 
                   partnercode %in% partnercodes)
    # might fail for some products
    dtf2 <- mutate(dtf2, partner = stringr::str_wrap(partner, width = 14))
#' Product description
#' Use:
#' description(c(440799, 440795))
description <- function(productcodes){
    descr <- classificationcomtrade$HS %>%
        filter(productcode %in% productcodes) 
    # Individual codes and description remove product code if its
    # at the begining of the description
    if (sum(as.character(descr$productcode) !=
        substring(descr$description, 1, 6))==0){
        descr$description <- substring(descr$description,7)
    for(code in descr$productcode){
        cat("\n\n__",code,":__ ", sep="")
        cat(descr$description[descr$productcode == code])
#' Plot product, to be used in the loop on product names below
#' For the moment tfdata is taken from the global environment is this bad?
#' @param product_ the itto name of a product
productplot <- function(product_){
    # Check if the given product is in the tfdata data frame
    stopifnot(product_ %in% unique(tfdata$product))
    import <- filterlargepartners(tfdata, product_, "Import")
    export <- filterlargepartners(tfdata, product_, "Export")

    p <- ggplot(NULL,
                aes(x = year, y = tradevalue,
                    fill = productcode)) +
        # geom_bar(stat="identity") +
        ylab("Trade value in  US dollars") +
        theme(legend.position= "bottom") +
        # Scale might be changed to avoid year overlapping when there are many years
        # scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(2010,2012)) +
        facet_grid(flow + reporter ~ partner, scales="free_y") + 
    # One plot for import and one plot for export
    importp <- p + geom_bar(data = import, 
                            stat="identity") + 
        ggtitle(paste("Largest ", product_, " imports reported by", reporterinreport)) 
    exportp <- p + geom_bar(data = export, 
                            stat="identity") + 
        ggtitle(paste("Largest ", product_, " exports reported by", reporterinreport)) 
    combined <- rbind(import, export)

#' Function to return an error while plotting
#' tryCatch(stop(e), error = ploterror)
ploterror <- function(e) {
        cat("\nThere was an error while drawing the plot :\n")
# message("Try to see if it's possible to have 2 plots sharing the same legend, check tile plot from erlier versions")
for (product_ in unique(tfdata$product)){
             error = ploterror)

if (FALSE){
    # plot one product

    # There is an issue for some products 
    # Error: unsupported type for column 'partner' (NILSXP, classes = NULL) 
    # It seems to happen when "Côte d'Ivoire" is a partner, probably due to differences in encoding
    filterpaperdata <- filter(tfdata, product == filterpaper)


All products

tfsummarised <- tfdata %>%
    group_by(year, reporter, partner, partnercode, flow, product) %>%
    summarise(tradevalue = sum(tradevalue)) %>%

#' 10 largest partners for the dataframe currently in use in the report
#' import and export are mixed
#' @param dtf data frame of summarised trade flow data. Is this realy needed?
#' @param n number of parnters to select
#' @param product_ character vector of product names, when NULL, query all products
#' @examples
#' largepartners()
#' largepartners(c("LOGS","SAWNWOOD"))
#' }
largepartners <- function(product_=NULL, dtf = tfsummarised, n = 10){
    if (!is.null(product_)){
        dtf <- filter(dtf, product %in% product_) 
    dtf <- dtf %>%
        filterworldeu28() %>% 
        group_by(flow, partner, partnercode) %>% 
        summarise(tradevalue = sum(tradevalue)) %>%
        ungroup() %>%
        arrange(desc(tradevalue)) %>% 
        # select(flow, partner, partnercode) %>%
        head(n) # Could add flow here

partnercodes <- largepartners()$partnercode
# filter(tfdata, partner %in% largetf$partner)
ggplot(filter(tfsummarised, partnercode %in% partnercodes),
       aes(x = as.numeric(year), y = tradevalue/1e6,
                       fill = as.factor(product))) +
    geom_bar(stat="identity") +
    ylab("Trade value in million US dollars") +
    theme(legend.position= "bottom") +
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(2010,2012)) +
    ggtitle(paste("Largest wood products flows reported by", reporterinreport)) +
    facet_grid(flow + reporter ~ partner) + 

message("place country names over 2 lines if necessary")
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9052650/ggplot2-splitting-facet-strip-text-into-two-lines
# Using stringr::str_wrap
# stringr::str_wrap("lkj lkj lkjlkj lkj lkj ", width = 20) 
# Or with base functions, without the stringr package
# paste(strwrap("lkj lkj lkjlkj lkj lkj ", width = 20), collapse="\n")

# Optionally 
# Make the same plot with flows reported from those countries
### Trade between `r reporterinreport` and the EU
# EU is a reporter in the database, but not a partner.
ggplot(filter(tfdata, partner == "EU28"),
       aes(x = as.numeric(year), y = tradevalue/1e6,
                       fill = as.factor(product))) +
    geom_bar(stat="identity") +
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(2010,2012)) +
    ggtitle("100 Largest wood products import flows reported by the EU with China") +
    facet_grid(flow + reporter ~ partner) + 
    ylab("Trade value in million US dollars") +
    theme(legend.position= "bottom") +

EuropeanForestInstitute/tradeflows documentation built on Oct. 7, 2019, 10:57 a.m.