# To build this vignette run 
# Then rebuild the package CTRL+SHIFT+B so that the vignette is 
# integrated to the package documentation


This package can be installed with the devtools package.


Devtools package installation

If the devtools package is not installed on your system.


You may need to upgrade the libcurl library on your system's command line

sudo apt-get install libcurl4-gnutls-dev 


Database configuration file and column names are located under the local package installation directory. This directory is shown by the R command:

system.file("config", package="tradeflows")

Database connection parameters can be entered in the databaseconfig.R file.

Load the package and use the database configuration with the commands:


The database configuration file can be edited and reloaded. setdatabaseconfig(reload=TRUE) displays the location of the database configuration file.

The configuration table columnnames located in config/column_names.csv contains columns specifying which efi columns names are used in the trade flows database raw_flow and validated_flow tables.

Digging into the code

Start by looking at files in the R/ directory

The function cleandb() will feed data into the database table(s) validated_flow updates will be done on a product basis, at the 6 digit level. The cleaning script will:

  1. Delete all flows for a product (between all reporter and partner countries in all years),
  2. Enter All validated flows for that product.

The clean() function can also run from a bash shell (your system's command line)

Rscript -e 'library(tradeflows)' -e 'cleandbproduct(440799, tableread =  "raw_flow_yearly", tablewrite = "validated_flow_yearly")

EuropeanForestInstitute/tradeflows documentation built on Oct. 7, 2019, 10:57 a.m.