# To build this vignette run 
# Then rebuild the package CTRL+SHIFT+B so that the vignette is 
# integrated to the package documentation

Function documentation can be accessed at the R command line by entering a question mark "?" followed by a function name. For example enter ?loadcomtradebycode at the command prompt to see the documentation for that function.

R code in this document is not evaluated by default, to avoid loading data from the API on test systems and when building package Vignettes. Copy the code in an R session to load data from comtrade.

Loading Comtrade data in 2 stages

Stage 1 load from one reporting country

Comtrade API documentation is available at http://comtrade.un.org/data/doc/api/

The function loadcomtradebycode() loads a JSON file from the comtrade API in a temporary directory and returns a dataframe. It loads trade flows between one reporting country (column reporter) and all its partner countries (column partner).

library(knitr) # Package to display nice tables
# Load "other sawnwood" flows reported by France (country code 251) 
# for the last 5 years available in comtrade "recent"
other_sawnwood_fr <- loadcomtradebycode(440799, 251, "recent")
# Rename columns so that they are more readable
other_sawnwood_fr <- renamecolumns(other_sawnwood_fr)
other_sawnwood_fr %>% 
    # Select only some of the column so that the table fits on the page
    select(year, reporter, partner, flow, productcode,
           unit, quantity, weight, tradevalue, flag) %>%
    head %>%
    # Show a nice table

Stage 2 load from all reporting countries

The comtrade database API has limitation of 5 countries per call. There are approximately 250 countries in the database. The function loadcomtradewithpause loads all world trade flows for one product. It sends several function calls to the API, in batches of 3 countries, then combines the downloaded data in one data frame.

The Comtrade API has a limitation of 100 calls per hour. Given a list of products, loadcomtradewithpause() will wait one hour before downloading the next product.

loadcomtradewithpause(440799, year = "recent", path = "data-raw/")

RData is stored in the path directory given above. A csv file can also be saved in order to visualise raw data in a spreadsheet.

loadcomtradewithpause(440799, year = "recent", path = "data-raw/",
                      writecsv = TRUE)

The instruction below loads all sawnwood products. It will last 14 hours because it's waiting one hour between each product.

# Find sawnwood product codes from the itto classification
sawnwoodcodes <- filter(classificationitto, 
                        nomenclature == "HS12",
                        product == "SAWNWOOD")$productcodecomtrade
loadcomtradewithpause(sawnwoodcodes, year = "recent", 
                      path = "data-raw/")

In case you are launching this lengthy instruction on a remote linux server, it might be usefull to launch it from within a GNU-Screen session. To be able to disconnect a reconnect to it at a later stage.

Using a MySQL database

Optionally, data can be read from a MySQL database. The function readdbproduct loads raw data from a MySQL database table:

sawnwood99 <- readdbproduct(440799, "raw_flow_yearly")

The function readdbtbl returns a dplyr tbl objects which can be used with dplyr verbs to perform data manipulations.

# Five largest log trade flows in value in 2012
# Find logs product codes from the itto classification
roundwoodcodes <- filter(classificationitto, 
                        nomenclature == "HS12",
                        product == "LOGS")$productcodecomtrade

readdbtbl("raw_flow_yearly") %>%
    filter(productcode %in% roundwoodcodes &
               year == 2012 &
               partnercode != 0) %>% # Remove world aggregates
    arrange(desc(tradevalue)) %>% # Sort by trade value
    select(year, reporter, partner, flow, productcode, tradevalue) %>%
    head() %>%
# Display this table also on systems where the vignette cannot be 
# created
logs2012 <- structure(list(year = c("2012", "2012", "2012", "2012", "2012", "2012"), reporter = c("China", "China", "Russian Federation", 
"New Zealand", "China", "USA"), partner = c("Russian Federation", 
"New Zealand", "China", "China", "USA", "China"), flow = c("Import", 
"Import", "Export", "Export", "Import", "Export"), productcode = c(440320, 440320, 440320, 440320, 440320, 440320), tradevalue = c(1394408301, 1103088193, 1000281108, 847521843, 601848451, 569742376)), .Names = c("year", "reporter", "partner", "flow", "productcode", "tradevalue"), row.names = c(NA, -6L), class = "data.frame")
logs2012 %>% kable

The project in which this package was created used external scripts - in the PHP programming language - to load data from comtrade and write it into the database. Although this is feasible, the package currently doesn't implement writing raw trade flows data into the database.

However, there are functions to clean (estimate missing quantities) trade flow data and write this cleaned data into the database.

EuropeanForestInstitute/tradeflows documentation built on Oct. 7, 2019, 10:57 a.m.