Man pages for EvanOdell/hansard
Provides Easy Downloading Capabilities for the UK Parliament API

all_answered_questionsAll answered parliamentary questions
bill_publicationsBill Publications
bill_publication_typesA character vector of possible types of bill publications....
billsBill data
bill_stage_typesBill Stage Types
commons_answered_questionsHouse of Commons answered questions
commons_division_dateHouse of Commons Division Dates
commons_divisionsHouse of Commons divisions
commons_oral_questionsHouse of Commons Oral Questions
commons_oral_question_timesCommons oral question times
commons_termsParliamentary Thesaurus
commons_written_questionsHouse of Commons Written Questions
constituenciesHouse of Commons constituencies
early_day_motionsEarly day motion data
edm_textEarly Day Motion Text
election_candidatesElection candidate details
election_resultsGeneral and By-Election Results
electionsGeneral and By-Elections
epetitionIndividual epetitions
epetition_tibbleBulk Epetition data
hansardhansard: Provides Easy Downloading Capabilities for the UK...
lords_amendmentsHouse of Lords Amendments.
lords_attendance_dateHouse of Lords attendance by date
lords_attendance_sessionHouse of Lords attendance by session
lords_divisionsHouse of Lords divisions
lords_interestsPeers' registered interests
lords_sessionsLords sessions
lords_written_questionsHouse of Lords written questions
lord_vote_recordVoting record of members of the House of Lords
membersMembers of both houses
members_searchSearch for an MP or Peer by name and constituency
mp_edmsEarly Day Motions by MP or Peer
mp_questionsQuestions asked by a given MP or MPs
mp_vote_recordIndividual MP voting records
papers_laidPapers laid
publication_logsHouse publications
research_briefingsParliamentary Research Briefings
research_briefings_listsLists of research briefing topics, subtopics and types.
sessions_infoParliamentary Session data
tv_programmesTV broadcast data
EvanOdell/hansard documentation built on Oct. 12, 2021, 11:29 p.m.