Man pages for Everlane/everlaneR
Quality of Life Functions for the Everlane Data Scientist

copy_s3_to_redshiftCopy to Redshift from S3
create_pipeline_outputPut output of data pipeline step onto s3
create_redshift_conCreate Redshift connection object Read credentials from...
dbDisconnectAllDisconnect all connections to Redshift
feedGet data dependencies in pipeline from data-deploy script.
generate_create_table_sqlGenerate create table DDL from a dataframe
get_aws_credentialsRetrieve AWS credentials
get_credentialsRead generic credentials list from file construct function...
get_pipeline_inputRead inputs in a data pipeline.
get_redshift_credentialsRetrieve Redshift credentials
helloHello, World!
tidy_hexbinProduce x/y coordinates of each hex in a hexbin plot
upload_to_s3Put output of data pipeline step onto s3
Everlane/everlaneR documentation built on Oct. 7, 2020, 3:13 p.m.