
Defines functions social_discord_edgelist_df

#' @export
social_discord_edgelist_df <- function(dat,at)
  #-- takes couples returned from social_discord_edgelist()
  #-- and creates a data.frame discord_edgelist_df that
  #-- converts network ID of individual to EvoNet ID and
  #-- lists who is infected, suscetpible,  sex of each, 
  #input: discord_edgelist matrix
  #ouput: data frame "discord_edgelist_df" with columns,
  #       sus_id,inf_id,sus_sex, inf_sex,sus_sex_type,insert_id,recept_id
  #clear values#######
  dat$discord_edgelist_df <- NULL
  #leav fxn if no susceptibles and infecteds ##########################
  inf_stop <-  all(dat$attr$status_evo[dat$attr$active == 1] == 1)
  sus_stop <-  all(dat$attr$status_evo[dat$attr$active == 1] == 0 )
  if(inf_stop || sus_stop){return(dat) }
  temp_status_vec <- dat$attr$status_evo
  # extract the edgelist from either the nw or attached existing el
    el <- get.dyads.active(dat$nw, at = at)
    # uncomment enforce sort and column order for consistency between fast.edgelist and normal modes
    #el <- as.edgelist(el,n<-network.size(nw),directed=is.directed(nw),bipartite=is.bipartite(nw),loops=has.loops(nw))
  } else {
    el <- dat$el
    # uncomment enforce sort and column order for consistency between fast.edgelist and normal modes
    # el <- as.edgelist(el,n=attr(el,'n'),directed=FALSE)
  discord_edgelist_df <- social_discord_edgelist(el, 
                                                 status_vec = temp_status_vec,at)
  #leave fxn if no disc. pairs
  #discord_edgelist_df returns indices for position on network and 
  #these need to be translated to evonet ids (position in entire population (live and dead))
  sus_id <- dat$attr$id[discord_edgelist_df$sus_id]
  inf_id  <- dat$attr$id[discord_edgelist_df$inf_id]
  discord_edgelist_df$sus_id <- sus_id
  discord_edgelist_df$inf_id <- inf_id 
  #identify agents in aids, then remove from discord_edgelist_df if present
    aids_ids <- which(
      ((at - dat$pop$Time_Inf ) >  ((dat$pop$RandomTimeToAIDS + dat$param$time_in_aids)*
        dat$param$aids_sex_cutoff_prop)) & 
        dat$pop$Status == 1 & dat$pop$treated!=1)
    index_aids <- which(dat$pop$Status==1 & dat$pop$CD4==4)
    index_time_in_aids_table <- cbind(dat$pop$spvl_cat[index_aids],rep(4,length(index_aids)))
    time_in_aids_table <- dat$param$CD4_lookup[index_time_in_aids_table]*365
    time_in_aids_agent <- dat$pop$CD4_time[index_aids]
    aids_ids <- index_aids[time_in_aids_agent >= (time_in_aids_table*dat$param$aids_sex_cutoff_prop)]
  #if present, remove agents in aids past time threshold for cessation
  #of coital acts from discord_edgelist_df
  #if only one pair of agents and they are removed, leave function
     aids_in_del <- which(discord_edgelist_df$inf_id %in% aids_ids)
     if(length(aids_in_del)>0 & length(aids_in_del)<nrow(discord_edgelist_df)){
       discord_edgelist_df <- discord_edgelist_df[-aids_in_del,]
  #add sex
    discord_edgelist_df$sus_sex <- rep("m",nrow(discord_edgelist_df))
    discord_edgelist_df$inf_sex <- rep("m",nrow(discord_edgelist_df))
    #hetero section
    discord_edgelist_df$sus_sex <- dat$pop$sex[discord_edgelist_df$sus_id]
    discord_edgelist_df$inf_sex <- dat$pop$sex[discord_edgelist_df$inf_id]
    #add insert_id and recept_id as placeholder (not needed for hetero dynamics)
    #note: for msm, these set in separate fxn "social_role_msm"
    discord_edgelist_df$insert_id <- rep(NA_real_, nrow(discord_edgelist_df))
    discord_edgelist_df$recept_id <- rep(NA_real_, nrow(discord_edgelist_df))
  dat$discord_edgelist_df <- discord_edgelist_df
EvoNetHIV/Herbeck-et-al-Vaccine-201x documentation built on Sept. 5, 2020, 12:32 p.m.